Teenage Death Star
Genre : Garage Rock
Based in : Jakarta, Indonesia
Label : FF CUTS Records
Year : 2008
Rate : 7.5/10
The long awaited album is finally out, and the short-story of a band is finally come to an end. An end? Yeah, di beberapa publikasi, Teenage Death Star kerap kali mengatakan kalau debut album yang akan keluar adalah juga sebagai album terakhir mereka, dan mereka akan segera bubar setelah merilis album tersebut. Hm, tidak dipungkiri coverage media untuk TDS lumayan besar, bagaimana tidak, personel mereka banyak yang berkecimpung di dunia media musik. Alvin bekerja di majalah TRAX, Iyo adalah pemimpin redaksi Ripple Magazine, Helvi adalah petinggi Fast Forward Rec. Lalu, bagaimana persembahan mereka dalam bentuk album penuh yang akhirnya keluar ini?
Album Longway to Nowhere dikemas dengan cukup menarik, dengan sebuah booklet daripada sleeve album, dan juga format double CD. Well, TDS adalah band yang sangat raw dan chaotic di panggung. Mood yang mereka tampilkan lewat musiknya juga begitu, setidaknya pada rilisan awal di beberapa kompilasi. Albumnya kali ini juga masih mencoba menawarkan hal serupa, sayang saya kehilangan beberapa nuansa yang terdengar lebih raw pada rekaman-rekaman sebelumnya. Pada versi album, sound-nya terdengar sangat berisik dan penuh, simply, beberapa lagu versi rekaman sebelumnya menjadi lebih menarik daripada versi album. For instance, simak I Kiss Your Sister in The Kitchen, Absolute Beginner Terror dan I’ve Got Johnny in My Head. Saya rasa , album ini harus dinikmati sebagai sesuatu yang sama sekali baru, tanpa melihat karya mereka sebelumnya.
Yep, track pembuka, I Don’t Know What is Right Anymore seolah menahbiskan “kegilaan” TDS dengan lagu yang hanya berisi suara tertawa-tawa tidak jelas, yang dari judulnya sudah terdeteksi kegilaannya. Track kedua, All That Glitters Are Not Gold langsung menghajar dengan sound distorsi yang cukup berat, seperti inilah gambaran sound TDS pada album ini. Single yang berpotensi cukup kuat ada pada 21st Century Boy dengan bagian chorus yang sangat mudah dan anthemic, serta beat yang dance-able in a rocking way. A Lady And The Morocco’s Teenage Army menjadi lagu instrumental yang cukup berisik, sedikit mengingatkan saya pada Nirvana, sebenarnya.
Bukan album yang bagus-bagus banget sih, tapi layak diberi kesempatan untuk mampir di playlist harianmu. Beberapa sound memang terdengar cukup berisik dan kotor, dengan kebocoran feedback yang kemungkinan di sengaja. They might tried to sound as an amateur, or they are amateur? Skill is dead adalah semboyan mereka, jangan dilupakan. Oh, dan CD 2 yang berisi versi remix, yang jadi bonusnya? Keep it, nantikan saja CD remix terbaru dari Sajama Cut. Haha…
The long awaited album is finally out, and the short-story of a band is finally come to an end. An end? Yeah, in many publications, Teenage Death Star often said that their upcoming debut album, would be their last album also, and they will soon break the band after that. Hm, we know, media coverage for TDS is quite huge, yet, some of their personnel are work on media. Alvin work for TRAX magazine, Iyo is chief editor for Ripple Magazine, Helvi is co-founder of Fast Forward Rec. So, how is their work on the full album, that finally out?
Longway to Nowhere, packaged nicely, with a booklet instead of album sleeve, and the double CD format. Well, TDS is a very raw and chaotic band on stage. The mood they trying to bring is the same, at least on their previous releases. The album still offering the same thing, but I can’t feel some more raw sounds that came in their previous releases. In the album, the sound is just too noisy and crowded, simply, some songs in their previous releases is more exciting than the album. For instance, look at I Kiss Your Sister in The Kitchen, Absolute Beginner Terror and I’ve Got Johnny in My Head. I think you must enjoy this album as a whole new album, without looking at their previous work.
Yep, opening track, I Don’t Know What is Right Anymore just like crowned the insanity of TDS with a song filled by freak-noisy laughing. We could detect the insanity by look at the title. Second track, All That Glitters Are Not Gold suddenly kick you with a heavy distortion, this is the sounds figure for this album. The potential single present at 21st Century Boy with an easy and anthemic chorus, and a dance-able in a rocking way beat. A Lady And The Morocco’s Teenage Army become a noisy instrumental song, remind me a bit of Nirvana, actually.
Not a very good album, actually. But it deserves to have the chance enter your daily song list. Some of the sound might seem very noisy and filthy, with feedback leak that may be deliberate. They might tried to sound as an amateur, or they are amateur? Skill is dead is their motto, don’t you forget it. Oh, and CD 2 that contain the remix version, the bonus one? Keep it. Better check for Sajama Cut’s new remix release. Haha…
01. I Don’t Know What Is Right Anymore
02. All That Glitters Are Not Gold
03. I’ve Got Johnny In My Head
04. Super Lover
05. 21st Century Boy
06. A Lady and the Morocco’s Teenage Army
07. I Kiss Your Sister
08. Absolute Beginner Terror
09. The Death of Disco Rabbit
*Review and translate by: Jay
[Music Review] Teenage Death Star - Longway to Nowhere (2008)
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