"Wai Rejected menjadi satu-satunya wakil regional Surabaya di kompilasi LA Lights Indiefest 2008"
Terbuktilah betapa signifikannya hasil polling yang murni, damai, tentram, demokratis, terbuka, jujur, umum yang masih terpampang, yang telah berjalan beberapa bulan yang lalu. Bahwa pada hasil polling tersebut, tersebutkan yang di favoritkan lolos LA Light Indiefest 2008 dari regional Surabaya adalah WAI REJECTED. Dan hasilnya memang benarlah bahwa satu-satunya wakil dari regional Surabaya adalah WAI REJECTED! Selamat untuk WAI REJECTED!
Menyusul apa yang sudah terjadi pada VOX, LOVELY TEA dan THE MORNING AFTER, kali ini WAI REJECTED membuka peluang dan jalan yang lebar bagi mereka untuk menuju entah kemana mereka mau menuju. The festival is nothing then, the music matters! So, we’ll see what would happen with the music brought by WAI REJECTED in the future time.
Mungkin kamu belum pernah dengar sama sekali tentang WAI REJECTED? Profil singkatnya adalah, WAI REJECTED tebentuk pada akhir tahun 2006, dan pada awalnya sering memainkan lagu dari band-band indie/garage rock macam Arctic Monkey, Franz Ferdinand dan The Strokes. Terbentuk di kota Malang, namun personil yang asli Malang hanya seorang, yaitu Kadi (gitar). Sisanya, Ody (vokal), Eka (gitar), Edo (bass), Dhika (drum) berasal dari Pontianak, yang sedang merantau ke Malang. Untuk mengenal WAI REJECTED lebih jauh, langsung saja main ke page MySpace WAI REJECTED, klik disini. Last, congratulation for WAI REJECTED, and remember the festival is nothing, the music matters!
Wai Rejected. Pose.
So, it’s proven now, the poll result that’s pure, peaceful, quiet, democratic, openly, honest, public and still pinned at the front page, and had been run since months ago. Then according to the poll result, the most favorite from Surabaya regional to go through the LA Lights Indiefest 2008 compilation are WAI REJECTED. And the fact is exactly WAI REJECTED are the one and only band from Surabaya regional, to go through LA Lights Indiefest 2008 compilation! Congratulation for WAI REJECTED!
Following the trail of VOX, LOVELY TEA and THE MORNING AFTER, now WAI REJECTED open the chance and the way for them to going further, don’t know where they want to go. The festival is nothing then, the music matters! So, we’ll see what would happen with the music brought by WAI REJECTED in the future time.
You might be have no clue about WAI REJECTED? Here is their short profile, WAI REJECTED was formed in the end of 2006, in the beginning, they like to play songs from indie/garage rock band, such as Arctic Monkey, Franz Ferdinand and the Strokes. Formed in Malang, Indonesia, but personals from Malang is only Kadi (guitar), the rest, Ody (vocal), Eka (guitar), Edo (bass), and Dhika (drum) were come from Pontianak. To get more intimate with WAI REJECTED, go straight to their MySpace page, click here. Last, congratulation for WAI REJECTED, and remember the festival is nothing, the music matters!
*Written and translated by: Jay
*Photo: Wai Rejected's MySpace
*Wai Rejected MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/wairejectedmusic
Gol pada tembakan yg kedua,,
Salam kenal dan congrats,,
hebat hebat buat wai rejected..............saya baangga...........anak anak pontianak.......bisa berkarya disana............
COngrats guys........
- Hi mom! -
Katanya sekarang wai rejected mengarah ke-mayor? pantes vokalis nya kluar. Sudah terkena industri juga ternyata...
tunggu tanggal mainnya.....