"When a Bipolar Woman Has The Ability To Write Songs and Has a Million Dollar Voice, The Result: TIKA"

Maka ketika seorang wanita bipolar memiliki kemampuan untuk menulis lagu sekaligus suara menakjubkan, pun menjelmalah: TIKA.

Kartika Jahja lahir di tahun 1980 dalam keluarga yang memiliki darah seni. Singer/songwriter asal Indonesia ini telah menempuh aneka jalur musik dimana dia sempat bergabung ke dalam sebuah band punk, band jazz, grup hip hop, bahkan band Top-40 . Dengan satu alasan: Dia senang sekali bernyanyi. TIKA mulai menjalani musik secara serius ketika bergabung dengan band Yoko Phono saat berdomisili di Seattle, AS. Band tersebut bubar saat TIKA kembali ke tanah air. Saat ini, selain keterlibatannya sebagai vocal talent untuk scoring berbagai film layar lebar, TIKA masih sering berkolaborasi dengan berbagai musisi dari bermacam-macam genre. Diantaranya Aksan Sjuman, Jamie Aditya, Agrikulture, dan lain lain.

Namun TIKA mencuri hati banyak orang dengan lagu-lagunya sendiri saat dia mengeluarkan album debut pertamanya ‘Frozen Love Songs’ di tahun 2005. Dikemas ulang sebagai ‘Defrosted Love Songs’ pada tahun 2006. Sang biduanita pun dikenal handal menggagahi mikrofon. Seluruh perasaannya tumpah ruah memecah wajah saat berlaga di atas panggung.
TIKA pun lantang menyuarakan pendapatnya yang tanpa tedeng aling-aling menguak borok budaya populer mulai dari televisi, industri musik, hingga diskriminasi seksual. Hal ini kerap kali menjadikannya terpojok keluar dari industri mainstream nan glamor.

Orang boleh saja menkotakkan musik TIKA sebagai trip hop, jazz, noir pop, dan aneka nama jejadian yang membuat kami mengulum senyum. Beberapa fans pernah mengirimkannya silet berlumur darah bekas menyayat nadi. Para teroris internet mengecamnya terlalu ‘gemerlap’ untuk jadi kiri. Meskipun demikian, TIKA sendiri tak pernah meproklamirkan dirinya sebagai apapun kecuali seorang biduan. Yang dia inginkan hanyalah merasakan ‘hidup’ menggejolak melalui musik, dan berharap para pendengarnya pun dapat mengalami perasaan yang sama. Untuk meninggslkan meja kantormu dan berteriak bila kau mau. Untuk merasa indah meskipun serbuan iklan mengatakan kau harus lebih ramping, lebih putih, dan berambut lebih lurus. Untuk mematikan televisimu dan bercinta… dengan diiringi alunan lagu TIKA, semoga.

The Dissidents
Setelah kelelahan berganti-ganti pasangan di atas panggung dalam setiap penampilannya, TIKA akhirnya memutuskan untuk membentuk band pengiring permanen. Maka berpadulah the Dissidents, pada tahun 2006. Seiring waktu, ketiga lelaki dengan gaya bermusik yang beragam ini, menjadi sangat berpengaruh dalam proses penulisan lagu TIKA.

Susan Agiwitanto sang bassist (ya ia adalah lelaki, dan ya nama aslinya memang Susan), adalah personil dengan koleksi baju hitam terbanyak dalam band ini. Susan membagi waktunya antara sang istri tercinta, TIKA, dan band progressive bernama “In Memoriam”. Saat bergabung dengan TIKA, Susan menggantung bass elektrik lima senarnya dan mulai memainkan contrabass untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan musik TIKA.
Berikutnya, penabuh drum Okky Rahman Oktavian. Pemuda Padang yang di usia 25 tahun, tubuhnya masih terus bertambah tinggi (tidakkah ini sedikit mengkhawatirkan?). Okky berangkat dari band post-rock “godsmustbecrazy”. Selain bermain musik dan bekerja di sebuah perusahaan IT, ia juga seorang pencerca bermulut tajam yang sadistis namun jenaka.

Terakhir adalah si pemikat hati wanita, Luky Annash. Pria sensitif bertutur halus yang piawai memainkan jarinya di piano. Luky telah bermain bersama TIKA sejak sebelum kedua personil di atas bergabung. Hampir setiap waktu ia menjejali telinganya dengan lagu-lagu Tori Amos dari iPod putihnya, hingga tak elak gaya bermusiknya pun tertular. Selain bermain dengan “TIKA & the dissidents” Luky juga seorang penyanyi dan penulis lagu berbakat yang mempunyai proyek solonya sendiri.
TIKA & the dissidents video teaser: The Headless Songstress

When a bipolar woman has the ability to write songs and has a million dollar voice, the result: TIKA.

Kartika Jahja, was born in 1980 to a somewhat artistic family. This Indonesian singer/songwriter have gone through a colorful music journey where she joined punk bands, jazz bands, hip hop acts, even cover bands just for the sake of singing. But she ripped out many hearts with her own songs when she released her first critically debut album ‘Frozen Love Songs’ in 2005. Repackaged as ‘Defrosted Love Songs’ in 2006. The songstress also knows how to rape a microphone, with her expressive stage acts which is a plethora of many heartfelt emotions.

TIKA also has a knack for criticism with the way she often speaks ugly truths about popular culture; television, music industry, sexual discrimination and so on, which naturally corners her into the fringe side of the culture more than the glamourous mainstream industry.

People in the past, have called her music trip hop, jazz, noir pop and every made-up name that made us giggle every time. And despite some fans sending her bloody arm-slashing razor blades, and internet terrorists telling her that she is too glossy to be a lefty, TIKA never proclaimed herself to be anything other than a singer. All she wanted was for herself to be able to feel alive through music, and hopefully for her listeners to feel alive with her. To get out from behind that desk and scream if you want to. To feel beautiful even when the ads say you gotta be thinner, whiter and have smoother hair. To turn off your TV and make love…hopefully, with her songs in the background.

The Dissidents came to the rescue in 2006 as TIKA grew exhausted of having multiple partners on stage every time she performs. A permanent back up band was then appointed. The band, later on baptized as the Dissidents, would bring a major influence in TIKA’s more recent songwriting.

Susan Agiwitanto (yes that’s his real name), the one with the most black tshirt collections in the band, came from prog-rock band ‘In Memoriam’. He switched his electric to accoustic upright just for TIKA. We love him for that.

Drummer Okky Rahman Oktavian, a West Sumatran young man who is still growing taller as we speak, also joined the troop at around the same time. Hailing from post-rock band ‘Gods Must Be Crazy’, besides drumming and working a day job as a sales rep in an IT company, he is also a professional bad-mouther. You don’t want to get on his bad side.

The last but not least, is ladies man Luky Annash. Our Mr Sensitive here plays the piano. Luky have played with TIKA long before the other two did. He listens to Tori Amos at almost every waking hour, and her style inevitably rubbed off on him. Luky is also a talented singer on his own time.

Metrofiction – Yoko Phono (2002) (released in US)
Narcisstika EO – Yoko Phono (2002) (released in US)
Frozen Love Songs – TIKA (rooftopsound-2005)
Defrosted Love Songs – TIKA (aksara records- 2006)
OST Thank You and Goodnight Mother (2006)
Kompilasi Change Yourself (2006)
OST 9 Naga (2006)
Dawai Damai – Agrikulture (aquarius-2007)
OST Berbagi Suami (2007)
OST Kala (2008)
Pintu Terlarang (2009)
The Headless Songstress (released on 24 July 2009)

*Hit readmore for full stories!

"When this interview is popped out, you might be listening to dzeek new album untill you might not so interested to read this interview"

So, Reno, one of my good friend did this interview with dzeek, supposed to be printed in his own magazine, (was named Oeuvre -sorry if there were misspelling-, but later changed its name, i don't know what it's named now :p). And i asked Reno to post his wonderful interview in this Mellon the Zine, he said yes. So i post this. Haha... So, please feel free to read interview with dzeek who just released its second album on July 1st 2009. Thanks to Reno who done this interview!

1. Perkenalkan diri kalian?
Halo Surabaya! kami dzeek, yg terdiri dari: Aan (drums) Pie (Bass) Amier (Gitar) Isan (Gitar) dan Imam (Vocal, Gitar) piye kabare?

2. Ceritain dong sejarahnya dzeek!
dzeek (sebelumnya dikenal dengan nama d’zeek) adalah sebuah band yang berdiri pada tahun 2003 di Jakarta, atas dasar pertemanan para anggotanya yang tinggal di dalam komplek perumahan yang sama. Pada tahun yang sama dzeek mengeluarkan debut album perdananya yang berjudul “Terang” dibawah Malta Music Indonesia.

Banyak yang menyangka bahwa dzeek sudah bubar karena kekosongan yang ada tanpa album kedua yang menyusul kesuksesan album pertamanya. Pada tahun 2007, dzeek sempat mengeluarkan mini album yang berjudul “The Oslo Report” yang berisi lima materi baru.

Di tahun 2008, Imam bergabung dengan dzeek menggantikan Joe di posisi vokal. Kecocokkan antara Imam dengan keempat personil dzeek membuahkan materi-materi baru untuk album kedua dzeek. Setelah melalui berbagai macam pertimbangan, maka nama d’zeek dirubah menjadi dzeek. Saat ini dzeek yang beranggotakan Aan (drum, perkusi), Pie (bass), Isan (gitar), Amier (gitar) dan Imam (vokal)sedang mempersiapkan dan mematangkan materi untuk album keduanya.

3. Apa itu dzeek?
Nama dzeek itu berasal dari Zeek, sebuah buku Yunani yang artinya adalah semacam jurnal musik, politik dan budaya, kami menambahkan huruf "d" di depannya supaya di toko CD, kami tidak ditaro di paling bawah karena huruf Z adalah huruf terakhir.. Hwehehehe..

4. Ada hubungan dengan Zeke?
Zeke, seorang musisi yg hebat dan sahabat yg baik. Yang pasti, anda akan berbicara dengan orang yang sama ketika menghubungi contact person dzeek dan Zeke and The Popo :)

5. Kalian terdengar sangat2 Radiohead sekali, it's good or not? Tidak takut di anggap another "wannabe" band?
Sangat-sangat Radiohead? Akan mengagumkan sekali apabila benar seperti itu! Thus it's a good thing right? hehe. Untuk "another 'wannabe' band", apabila ada yg bilang seperti itu, sah-sah saja kok, kan mendukung kebebasan beropini, tapi kalo dari kami sendiri:
"wannabe Radiohead" : Not quite
"wannabe successful like Radiohead" : This is more like it!

6. Apa yang membedakan kalian dengan band-band yang lain yang sudah ada? Friday contohnya?
Friday, band yang sangat hebat dengan album yang brilian! Kalau kami tidak sering ketemu dengan Fithor di Jakarta, sudah hampir pasti kami menganggap ini band yang berasal dari luar negeri!dzeek dan Friday jelas sekali berbeda, eksplorasi mereka sangat luas dalam hal soundscape, beat, progresi, dll. Kami mengambil jalur yang berbeda, "lebih pop" mungkin kalimat yg tepat. Atau "jauh lebih pop" mungkin? Tapi apalah artinya sebuah genre...

7. Ceritakan tentang lagu-lagu di album kalian?
Lagu-lagu di album terbaru kami terdiri dari 1 lagu dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan 12 lagu dalam bahasa Inggris,
mungkin sedikit berbeda dengan apa yg pernah band ini lakukan, bagaimana menurut kalian?

8. Kapan rencana keluarnya?
Di saat anda membaca tulisan ini, anda mungkin sedang mendengarkan album terbaru kami sampai anda mungkin tidak terlalu tertarik dengan wawancara ini :)

9. Siapa orang-orang yang membantu kalaian dalam pembuatan album ini? and how does it feels working with those fellas?
Dua nama utama: Yonathan Vanco Nugrahadi (Lull) & Venendar 'Komenk' (sekarang anda mengerti bagaimana kami bisa mencegat Fithor). Mereka berdua adalah orang-orang yang nyaman untuk bekerja sama, banyak masukan dari mereka yang berpengaruh besar dalam pembuatan album ini, dan kami sangat bersyukur telah bertemu dan dapat bekerja sama dengan mereka. Jujur saja, setelah bertemu mereka kami merasa jadi jauh lebih banyak tahu dibandingkan sebelum bertemu mereka. Jauh lebih banyak.

10. Artikan band kalian secara warna? Kalian menganggap band kalian ini mewakili warna apa? Dan kenapa?
Hitam (seketika dapat terdengar tawa dari teman-teman kami yg memainkan musik keras). Ya, hitam. Karena kami cukup bermasalah dengan ke'silau'an. Dan kami melihat lebih jelas dalam kegelapan. Setidaknya mata kami berkata demikian. Atau bisa juga warna pastel, karena dibalik suara distorsi dan hentakan drum yang keras, terdapat jiwa yang "lembut" yang mewakili perasaan dzeek dalam bermusik.

11. Saya melihat perform kalian di youtube yang mengcover "Fake Plastic Tree" and i have to admit it you guy's are fawkin awesome!! haha
We are! Hahahaha! Glad you liked it Sir!

12. Apa yang kalian harapkan dari orang2 yang mendengarkan lagu kalian?
Terinspirasi. Senang. Sedih. Jatuh Cinta. Sekarat. Bersemangat. Marah. Gembira. Gila. Apapun yang terbaik buat mereka sehingga dapat membuat lagu-lagu dzeek menjadi soundtrack sehari-hari di kehidupan mereka.

13. Dan dalam perkembangannya,,apakah kalian juga akan mengalami metamorfosis sound seperti halnya Radiohead dengan "Ok Computer" yang legendaris itu?
Maunya lebih hebat lagi tentunya, semoga kiamat tidak datang terlalu cepat karena setiap band pasti akan mengalami perubahan seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, yang mungkin terjadi karena faktor selera yang cepat berubah, ataupun eksplorasi yang beragam dari masing-masing personilnya.

14. Shout out buat pembaca kita?? Dan orang-orang Surabaya..?
Halo pembaca OEUVRE! Selamat menikmati seluruh isi dari majalah ini, terima kasih atas dukungannya!
Temani kita di Surabaya yah!Ajak jalan-jalan, cari makan, wuenak tenan! Ojo lali yo!

1. Introduce yourself please?
Halo Surabaya! We are dzeek, Aan (drums), Pie (Bass), Amier (Guitar), and Imam (Vocal, Guitar) how do you do?

2. Could you tell me the history of Dzeek?
dzeek (previously known as d'zeek) is a band formed on 2003 in Jakarta, based on friendship of its member who lived in a same housing complex. At the same year dzeek released a debut album entitled "Terang" under Malta Music Indonesia.

Most peoples guessed that dzeek is gone because its emptyness without any second album following the succession of their first album. On 2007, dzeek had released their mini album titled "The Oslo Report" contains 5 new songs.

On 2008, Imam joined the party replacing Joe on vocal. Fortunately, Imam fit nicely with the other dzeek members, and been produced new things for dzeek second album. After some consideration, the name d'zeek changed to dzeek. Now, dzeek consist of Aan (drum, percussion), Pie (bass), Isan (guitar), Amier (guitar) and Imam (vocal) on its way to prepared and cooking the cakes for its second album.

3. What is dzeek?
The name dzeek was from the word Zeek, a greek book that means as well as music, polotic and cultural journal. We've added the letter "d" on the front in purpose of alphabetical order on music store. So, we will not placed at the last row in the rack because the name started with "Z" instead of "D". Hahaha..

4. Any correlation with Zeke? (Zeke is a gifted musician from Jakarta, formed a band named Zeke and the Popo)
Zeke, a great musician and a great friend. You'll certainly face the same guy when you contacted the contact person for dzeek and Zeke and The Popo :)

5. You sounds so Radiohead, is it good for you? Not afraid whether deemed as wannabe?
So Radiohead? That would be so wonderful if it's so! Thus it's a good thing right? hehe
For the deemed as wannabe, if someone said us like that, that's not a problem, anyone free to say what on its mind, but we think we are:
"wannabe Radiohead" : Not quite
"wannabe successful like Radiohead" : This is more like it!

6. What would separate you guys from the other existing band alike? Friday for example?
Friday, is a wonderful band with a brilliant album! If we're not oftenly met Fithor (Friday's drummer) at Jakarta, we'll most likely guessed that this band is come from abroad, instead of Indonesia! dzeek and Friday absolutely different, Friday widely exploring on soundscape, beat, progression etc. We pick the different track, much likely as "pop" may be. Or dzeek might be "much more pop". But, what's a genre anyway...

7. Tell me about dzeek songs in the new album?
Songs in our upcoming new album contain of 1 song in Bahasa Indonesia and the others 12 songs are in English. It might be a bit different from what we did previously, what do you think guys?

8. When will you guys released it?
When this interview is popped out, you might be listening to dzeek new album untill you might not so interested to read this interview :)

9. Any peoples to be noted, who helped you in the making of this album? And how does it feels working with those fellas?
Two main names: Yonathan Vanco Nugrahadi (Lull) & Venendar 'Komenk' (now you might be understand, why we could met Fithor). Those guys are a very nice to works with. They give us many advices and gives much influences in the making of this album, and we really appreciated to met and work with them. Honestly, we felt more knowledgeable after we met them. Much more knowledgeable.

10. Please tell, what would be dzeek in color! What color is represent dzeek, and why?
Black (suddenly we could hear laughing from our friends who playing a more hard-core music). Yes, it's black. Because we are in trouble enough with dazzling color. And we have clearer view in the dark. At least our eyes-vision proved so. Or it could be pastel colors, because behind the distortion and firm drum beat, there is a soft soul represent dzeek feels on playing music.

11. I saw your appearance on Youtube, that covering "Fake Plastic Tree" from Radiohead, and i have to admit it you guy's are fawkin awesome!! haha
We are! Hahahaha! Glad you liked it Sir!

12. What do you expects from the peoples who listened to dzeek's songs?
Inspired. Happy. Sad. Fall in love. Dying. Enthusiastic. Angry. Cheerful. Crazy. Anything best for them so that could make dzeek songs as their daily soundtrack of their life.

13. And as it grows, would you progressing on your sounds as just Radiohead with its legendary "Ok Computer"?
We eager to do more than that of course, we hope the dooms day wouldn't come early, because any band would changing as the time goes. It might be happen because of change in musical taste, or many kind of exploration from each members of the bands.

14. Shout out for our readers? And Surabaya peers..
Halo Oeuvre readers! Enjoy the magazine contents, thanks for your support! Accompany us in Surabaya will you? Hang out and walk with us, get some food, that'll be great! Don't you forget!

*Interview by: Reno
*Translated by: Jay
*Photo taken from: dzeek MySpace
dzeek had just released its second album (self-titled) on 1st of July 2009. Get it at your finest local music store!
Find dzeek at:
+62818 12 26 81