"Hold On Now, Youngster is Still the Best Album of Los Campesinos!, For Me, Though."
Los Campesinos!
Genre: Indie Pop/Rock, Punk Pop
Based In: Cardiff, Wales
Label: Wichita Recordings
Year: 2010
Rate: 6.5/10
Pemuda pemudi dari Britania Raya ini rupanya cukup produktif. Setelah meluncurkan We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed dan Hold On Now, Youngster pada 2008, kali ini mereka meluncurkan album teranyar berjudul Romance Is Boring. We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed yang menurut saya tidak se-enerjik dan se-kacau Hold On Now, Youngster nampaknya masih berlanjut ke Romance Is Boring. I know, it's my personal taste, tapi saya merasakan energi fun yang sangat meledak-ledak di Hold On Now, Youngster, dan sensasi ini tidak banyak sayan temukan di Romance Is Boring. Tidak ada irama punk ganas nan lucu seperti pada Death To Los Campesinos dan Broken Heartbeats Sound like Breakbeats. Pukulan Glockenspiel yang saya suka di Hold On Now, Youngster kali ini juga tidak terlalu tampil didepan.
Tapi ini masih Los Campesinos! masih kacau kok. And that's great! I know this will sound cheapy review, but I think their music is getting mature. yeah, those are more steady beat, make them seems "controllable", don't looks like their first appearance ever, "uncontrollable". Tapi ini masih ribut, kacau, berteriak, bersahut-sahutan tapi diselingi part-part yang lebih manis. Simak Plan A dengan verse yang sangat ribut dan energi marah yang kemana-mana, namun chorus-nya terdengar lebih teratur. There Are Listed Buildings juga menjadi jagoan di album ini, dengan intro "pap..pa..pap..pa rap pa.." nya dan chorusnya yang oke disini. And they got Straight in at 101 as a sidekick. Pretty much enjoyable chorus.
To be honest, mudah sekali untuk bosan di album Romance Is Boring. Sorry to say, as their fans I must say album ini terlalu membingungkan, dengan detail sound yang bertumpuk di belakang, nothing hooked me with those. Dan di beberapa lagu mereka benar-benar bernyanyi. Ya, bernyanyi. Dimana bagian terbaik dari Los Campesinos! adalah ketika mereka berteriak bersahut-sahutan dengan vokal cowok cewek bersahut, bertumpuk bergantian. Bagian terbaik dari album ini: terdiri dari 15 lagu, cukup banyak untuk sebuah album. Namun sayang sekali, tidak banyak yang catchy. Hold On Now, Youngster masih menjadi album terbaik Los Campesinos! bagi saya. (Jay)
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The youngster from Britain are really produce their stuffs, enormously. As their previous 2008 releases, We Are Doomed and Hold On Now, Youngster (both are LP), in 2010 they launch a new album called Romance is Boring. We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed that appear not-so energetic and messed as Hold On Now Youngster, likely continuing on Romance Is Boring. I know, it's my personal taste, but i adore more fun and energetic taste in Hold On Now, Youngster. This feelings, I don't got it much on Romance Is Boring. There were no wild fun punk like we previously met at Death To Los Campesinos and Broken Heartbeats Sound like Breakbeats. Glockenspiel punching that I adore so much on Hold On Now, Youngster, don't appear to be frontal enough now.
But this is still Los Campesinos! a messy one, yet. And that's great! I know this will sound cheapy review, but I think their music is getting mature. yeah, those are more steady beat, make them seems "controllable", don't looks like their first appearance ever, "uncontrollable". Yeah you'll still found this as a mess, noisy, shouting to one another, but now they inserting some more sweet part in. Look at Plan A with a noisy verse and mad energy been produced here, but they make the chorus orderly. Considerably sweet and steady. There Are Listed Buildings is a kicking ass in this album, with those "pap..pa..pap..pa rap pa.." intro and compromiseable chorus. And they got Straight in at 101 as a sidekick. Pretty much enjoyable chorus.
To be honest, I got bored easily with this album. Sorry to say, as their fans I must say this album is confusing and made me exhausted easily. Too much details at background sound. Heavily noise, and nothing hooked me there. Confusing. And at some parts they are really do singing. Yup, singing. As my best part of Los Campesinos! is when they are shouting all around, guy and female voice, over and over again. The best part of this album: they introduce 15 songs in one album, that's much enough. Unfortunately, they don't have too much catchy songs here. Hold On Now, Youngster still the best album of Los Campesinos! for me, though. (Jay)
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01. In Medias Res
02. There Are Listed Buildings
03. Romance Is Boring
04. We’ve Got Your Back (Documented Minor Emotional Breakdown #2)
05. Plan A
06. 200-102
07. Straight In At 101
08. Who Fell Asleep In
09. I Warned You: Do Not Make An Enemy Of Me
10. Heart Swells/100-1
11. I Just Sighed. I Just Sighed, Just So You Know
12. A Heat Rash In The Shape Of The Show Me State; or, Letters From Me To Charlotte
13. The Sea Is A Good Place To Think Of The Future
14. This Is A Flag. There Is No Wind
15. Coda: A Burn Scar In The Shape Of The Sooner State
*review & translation by: Jay
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