Genre : Psychedelic Pop
Based in : Jakarta, Indonesia
Label : Aksara Records
Year : 2008
Rate : 10/10

This is one of the highest anticipated Indonesian album of 2008! Dan Sore sekali lagi membuktikan klaim tersebut memang layak adanya.

Sebelum rilis, 8 lagu dari album ini sempat bocor di internet, dan seolah menjadi sneak preview untuk full release-nya. Dan saya termasuk cukup terpuaskan ketika mendengar versi bocorannya, at least, i’m not expecting too much improvement on their full release based on the leaked one. Dan apa yang saya dapatkan? Lagi-lagi supergrup ini mengejutkan saya dengan versi full yang lebih extraordinary dan megah, tak terbayangkan sebelumnya!

Penambahan detil berupa bunyi-bunyian alat musik tetiupan (entah bunyi alat musik tiup apa itu) di beberapa lagu memberikan “nyawa” yang lebih fresh untuk lagu tersebut. Sebelumnya saya sudah sampai pada titik jenuh pada Apatis Ria versi bocoran, tapi versi full seolah hadir dengan sosok barunya yang ditambah bebunyian alat musik tiup itu (apa ya namanya?). Lagu itu masih minimalis, petikan senar gitar masih dengan suara menyayat dari jari yang bergeser di atas senar, dentingan piano Mondo yang lebur bersama lagu, nyanyian Ade Paloh ditambah harmonisasi di beberapa bagian, kemudian sayatan cello yang menambah sendu nuansa lagu ini. Ouch… Layu langsung membuat saya suka pada pendengaran pertama. Lagu dengan irama yang cukup rancak tapi masih tetap syahdu dan megah. Hits pertama Setengah Lima pasti akan langsung membuatmu bersorak “mati suri diiii tamaaaaannnn…….” what a very catchy part…

Rupanya Ernestito yang sebelumnya dirilis bersama OST Quickie Express ikut dimasukkan di Ports of Lima. Ada beberapa perbaruan di sana-sini pada lagu ini, membuatnya semakin halus, penyelarasan dengan nuansa Ports of Lima kah? Come by Sanjurou menyeruak menjadi lagu favorit saya dari album ini, sejak pertama saya dengar versi bocorannya. Sore menegaskan progresi musiknya melalui lagu ini yang lebih moderat dan progresif namun masih kaya detail sound dari berbagai seksi musikal.

Secara keseluruhan memang saya tidak lagi menemukan Sore yang sangat Indonesia jaman kolonial pada album ini, seperti sebelumnya terdengar di Centralismo. Ports of Lima lebih menawarkan modernisme Sore pada musiknya, walaupun ironisnya kebanyakan lagu pada album ini dibuat sebelum tahun 2000an. Sebuah jejak yang menyenangkan dibuat oleh Sore, dan rasanya menarik sekali untuk mengamati jejak-jejak band ini di masa mendatang. Inilah harapan untuk musik Indonesia.

This is one of the highest anticipated Indonesian album of 2008! And Sore once again proofed that the claim just deserved as was it.

Before released, 8 songs of this album once leaked in the internet, and be just like a sneak preview for the full version release. And, I’m the one who satisfied enough to listened the leaked version, at least, I’m not expecting too much improvement on their full release based on the leaked one. And then what I got? Again, this super group surprised me with their full version that much more extraordinary and glorious, can't imagine that before!

They add kind of details such as sounds of brass instrument (I’m not sure with the kind of brass instruments) in several songs bring much fresh soul for that songs. Previously I was in the saturated point in Apatis Ria leaked version, but the full version seems standing there with the brand new figure, plus some brass section on it (still not sure the name of the instrument). The song itself is still minimalist, guitar string picking still with the finger-slicing-on-the-string sound, tinkling sound of piano by Mondo that blended very well with the song, Ade Paloh singing plus harmonization in some part, then cello slicing that add some blue feelings in this song. Ouch… Layu made me love it at the very first time. Song with lively beat, but still glorious and excellent. First single of the album, Setengah Lima, must be make you shouting “mati suri diiii tamaaaannnn……” what a very catchy part…

Ernestito that previously released together in Quickie Express Movie Soundtrack, is included in Ports of Lima. There is some update around in this song, made it more smooth. Trying to made it similar with Ports of Lima? Come by Sanjurou comes up being my number one favorite of this album, right from the first time I hear it in the leaked version. Sore confirmed their musical progression through this song that come with much modernism and progressive, but still enriched by sound details from numbers of musical section.

Overall, I don’t find Sore that was very Indonesian with colonial taste in this album, indeed, as previously found in
Centralismo. Ports of Lima offers much more modernism of Sore in their music, although ironically most songs in this album made before the year of 2000. A mark that very pleasing made by Sore, and it’s always exciting to look up at next marks to be made by this band furthermore. This is the really hope for Indonesian music.

01. Bogor Biru
02. Senyum Dari Selatan
03. Merintih Perih
04. Essensimo
05. 400 Elegi
06. Layu
07. Setengah Lima
08. Ernestito
09. Vrijeman
10. Come by Sanjurou
11. In 1997 the Bullet Was Shy
12. Apatis Ria   *YouTube!*
13. Karolina

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