"Album Keenam, Dijadwalkan Rilis Akhir Tahun Ini!"
Navicula on Psyche-colour
Kali ini datang berita dari saudara kita di pulau Bali. Navicula, band grunge gaek asal Bali, sekarang tengah menggarap album terbaru -ke enam- mereka. Setelah menyelesaikan tur mereka di Jawa Tengah bersama Netral pada Agustus kemarin yang terbilang sukses, Navicula melanjutkan proses rekaman album keenam yang sudah dimulai sejak Juli kemarin. Navicula mendapuk produser senior asal Jerman, Peter Heckmann, yang juga berperan sebagai Music Director.
Navicula memilih Studio Antida, Sanur, Bali sebagai tempat rekaman mereka. Beberapa musisi kawakan ikut membantu penggarapan album ke enam band yang telah berdiri sejak 1996 ini. Beberapa nama yang bisa disebut antara lain, Anom (sound engineer, yang juga bertindak selaku co-produser), Deni Surya (Drummer Lolot dan instruktur Drum Farabi Bali, yang bertidak sebagai sound engineer), dan Ian Stevenson (eks vokalis Kaimsasikun). Navicula masih berencana untuk mengajak beberapa musisi lainnya untuk turut berpartisipasi pada album mereka ini.
Album keenam Navicula, dijadwalkan akan rilis pada akhir tahun ini juga. Selain itu, Navicula juga akan segera meluncurkan official website mereka yang digarap oleh Robin Malau (manatan gitaris Puppen). Kita tunggu saja kabar terbaru dari Navicula!
Navicula: Recording Session
We just got a good news from our brothers from Bali. Navicula, a grunge band from Bali, now in the middle of working on their newest album -would be their sixth album-. After finished their tour on Central Java with Netral on last August, Navicula continuing their recording session for their sixth album that is previously strated since July. Navicula work with a senior producer from Germany, Peter Heckmann, whose also participate as Music Director.
Navicula pick Antida Studio, Sanur, Bali for recording session. Some experienced musician also involved in the making of the album of the band who formed since 1996. We could call several names such as Anom (sound engineer, also as co-produser), Deni Surya (Drummer of Lolot and instructor for Drum Farabi Bali, as sound engineer), and Ian Stevenson (ex-vocalist of Kaimsasikun). Navicula still planned to ask another musician to participate in the album.
The sixth album of Navicula, to be released in the end of this year. Other than that, Navicula will also launch their official website, worked by Robin Malau (ex-guitarist of Puppen). Just wait for the good news!
Rob of Navicula: Vocal Take
Meet Navicula on:
*Write and Translate by: Jay
*Photo by: Navicula doc.
Calling to all Navists…
This October-November Navicula will be rocking out at the following events:
Oct 25 - Taman Budaya Yogyakarta
(launching album kompilasi LIPI Siaga Bencan)
Oct 28 - Oto Sport Cafe, Yogyakarta
(Acara Ulta SeekSixSick, with Navicula, Dom65, Hengky Strawberry)
Nov 2 - Semarang, Jawa Tengah
(Tribut to Seattle Sound)
Nov 3 - Solo, Jawa Tengah
(Grunge community event)
For details of the venue locations and opening acts, visit Navicula’s official website: www.naviculamusic.com
Contact Navicula Management by email: Lakota@naviculamusic.com
or call: 081.7974.3034
Peace from Bali!