"A fine milestone, that is marked a musical maturity in a band. Comfort in their musical way. This is how they stand. Camera Obscura"
Camera Obscura
Genre: Indie Pop
Based in: Scotland
Label: 4AD Records
Year: 2009
Rate: 8.5/10
Hwaaaaa… Camera Obscura new album is just spilled out! Dengan judul My Maudlin Career, dan bocoran di interview sebelumnya kalau mereka bekerjasama dengan produser handal kali ini, seperti apa kira-kira album baru ini?
Masih indie pop crunchy! Hahaha… Sedikit kesan pertama mungkin, mereka membuat musiknya terdengar lebih megah sekarang. Dengan nuansa bebunyian yang berasal dari keyboard (sebagian menjadi pondasi utama lagunya) dan brass section membuat lagu-lagu mereka terdengar lebih kaya. Versi lebih kaya dari Let’s Get Out Of This Country. Dibuka dengan French Navy membuat nuansa menjadi bersemangat, sejalan dengan antusiasme fans Camera Obscura yang begitu menunggu album baru ini keluar. Lagu kedua, Other Town and Cities, uniknya terdengar begitu mirip dengan Country Mile. Terdengar terseret-seret dengan efek delay dan minimalisnya. Intro yang dipimpin oleh brass section di Honey in The Sun akan kembali membuatmu bersemangat dan ingin mendengarnya lagi! Beat yang mantap, dibalut brass yang efektif dan vocal latar di bagian refrain membuatnya catchable.
Pada album ini Camera Obscura terasa lebih memikirkan sound dan part seperti apa yang ingin dimasukkan pada musik mereka. Tergarap lebih detail mungkin. My Maudlin Career adalah Camera Obscura yang masih tetap ada dikoridor bermusik mereka yang selama ini sudah kita kenal. Tidak terlalu banyak hal baru bisa ditemukan disini, khususnya pada area musical mereka. Bahkan ada satu lagu yang tadi saya sebutkan mirip dengan lagu di album sebelumnya. Mungkin ada maksud dibalik itu, atau mungkin juga ini adalah sebuah limit dalam mencipta. Who knows, then…
Overall this is still a fine indie pop album, from this Scottish band. A fine milestone, that is marked a musical maturity in a band. Comfort in their musical way. This is how they stand. Camera Obscura.
Wowwww… Camera Obscura new album is just spilled out! Titled My Maudlin Career, and some info that they had shared in the previous interview (wayyy yeeaaaarrrsssss agooo :P), that they will work with great producer, so how is this record?
Still a crunchy indie pop! Hahaha… a bit first impression, they made a more glorious and fancy music then before. With some sounds from the keyboard (being the basic for most songs in the album) and the brass filling really enriched their songs. The more enriched version of Let’s Get Out of This Country. Opened with French Navy who will made you spirited with the punchy hook beat, in-line with the enthusiasm of Camera Obscura fans of this album. Next song, Other Town and Cities, uniquely seems pretty identical with Country Mile from Let’s Get Out of This Country. Slowly dragged down with its delay effect and with minimalist approach. Brass section’s intro on Honey in The Sun will surely make you on the mood again and addicted to it! Firm beat, with an effective brass section and backing vocal on refrain made this really catchable.
On this album, Camera Obscura seems consider more about what sounds and what parts to be inserted in their songs and music. It might be worked in more details. My Maudlin Career is Camera Obscura who is still in their very own musical track, as we usually known. There are not much a new invention can be found here, especially in their musical area. Even there are a song that I thought really identical with ones in their previous album. They might had a meaning on that, or might be this is one of their limitation on creation. Who knows, then..
Overall this is still a fine indie pop album, from this Scottish band. A fine milestone, that is marked a musical maturity in a band. Comfort in their musical way. This is how they stand. Camera Obscura.
1. French Navy
2. The Sweetest Thing
3. You Told A Lie
4. Away With Murder
5. Swans
6. James
7. Careless Love
8. My Maudlin Career
9. Forests And Sands
10. Other Towns And Cities
11. Honey In The Sun
*Review by: Jay
*Translated by: Jay
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wah gabung di 4AD records! band keren di record label yg keren pula!
di review di webfuckinzine yang keren pula! hahahaha +P