Mellon the fuckin zine is fuckin dead! So fuck you! Ha-ha.. What a dead! Yeah we're dead, i mean i'm dead, no grave, no funeral, no cry baby, it's just disappear like a fart. Stinks then gone. This isn't the grave, folks. You don't have to wear black suit here, just wear your black-metal shirt as usual, and masturbate in ignorance.
*Resurrection is always an option in a horror scene. give it a sequel or more! Gravedigger are you there?
*words by: Jay
I'm afraid I can't help you, Sir,,
coz you're bigger than the gravehole,,
Ressurection is a must, not an option.
Gravedigger, don't be like that, take me out from this grave... it's stinks! haha... Resurrection need victims! haha
death is a vivid imagination..
love to death jay!
sopo seng mati cak?
aku cak