"A Documentary of A Grunge/Alternative-Rock 90’s Generation Kid Whose Exploring Everywhere, Bravely, And Still Hold His Religion As: Grunge"

Deu' Galih
Genre: Grunge, Alternative-Rock, 90's
Based in: Bandung, Indonesia
Label: In My Room Records
Year: 2009
Rate: 8/10

Dengarkan materi-materi dari Deu’ Galih ini jika kamu adalah seorang pendamba sound khas 90’s mature grunge. Niscaya kamu akan dibawa lari kemana-mana melewati ballads, folk, alternative-rock, (even!) swing dengan penerangan yang redup, udara dingin yang dihangatkan senandung, suasana yang khusyuk layaknya beribadah, semuanya masih dalam agama grunge. Galih, sebagai aktor utama dari sepaket pengalaman yang dia suguhkan melalui Deu’ Galih, adalah seorang vokalis sekaligus gitaris dari sebuah band trio post-grunge/alternative-rock yang underatted asal kota Bandung, bernama Schizophones.

Melalui Schizophones, Galih telah merekam dan merilis beberapa lagu, yang tentu saja masih bernafaskan grunge dan alternatif ala 90’s macam: Soul Asylum, Seven Mary Trees, Live, Screaming Trees, I Mother Earth, Candlebox, Blind Melon, Plastik & Humania. Secara kumulatif, Galih sudah banyak sekali menulis dan merekam lagu. Sekalipun Schizophones vakum pada akhirnya, Galih tetap pada aktivitasnya untuk menulis dan merekam lagu. Dan kali ini kita semua dimungkinkan untuk mencicipi pesona Galih melalui digital box set Deu’ Galih yang merangkum karya-karya beragamakan grunge dengan titel “Wonderful Journey: Discography (1998-2008)”.

Dan seorang Dede yang juga menulis di wastedrockers telah berinisiatif untuk menjadi project coordinator dan mengumpulkan karya-karya Deu’ Galih dalam digital box set yang bisa diunduh secara cuma-cuma melalui In My Room Records. Dapatkan eksplorasi kemana-mana berlandaskan grunge yang mendarah daging di digital box set ini, plus berbagai koleksi rarities, live, b-sides, demo, radio performances sampai remixed track.

Tidak banyak yang bisa saya katakan, sebagai pendengar pemula dari Deu’ Galih, dan langsung disodori 4 CD diskografinya. Setidaknya sebagai perkenalan, ini adalah dokumentasi perjalanan musikal seorang anak generasi grunge/alternative 90 an yang tidak takut menjelajah kemana-mana namun tetap beriman pada agamanya: grunge. Atau apapun kamu ingin menyebutnya. (Jay)
You must listen to these stuffs by Deu’ Galih if you are a true lover of 90’s mature alternative/grunge sounds. And you will travel around, meet ballads, folk, alternative-rock, (even!) swing, with an overcast lightning, cold and warmed by humming, in a devout as praying, all in a religion called grunge. Galih, as the only actor in this experience packed as Deu’ Galih, is a vocalist-guitarist in an underrated post-grunge/alternative rock trio from Bandung called Schizophones.

From Schizophones, Galih had recorded and released numbers of songs, absolutely breath as grunge and 90’s alternatives as much as: Soul Asylum, Seven Mary Trees, Live, Screaming Trees, I Mother Earth, Candlebox, Blind Melon, Plastik & Humania. Cumulatively, Galih had written and recorded much more songs. As Schizophones had vacuum in the end, Galih still on his track in writing and recording songs. And in this occasions, it’s possible for us to taste the delight of Deu’ Galih from the digital box set, contains tracks in a grunge religion, titled: “Wonderful Journey: Discography (1998-2008)”.

And Dede who also writing on wastedrockers was in his initiate to be the project coordinator to compiled tracks by Deu’ Galih in this free to download digital box set from In My Room Records. Get the everywhere exploration based on grunge in this digital box set, plus many more rarities, live, b-sides, demo, radio performances yet remixed track.

I couldn’t tell much more about this digital box set, as I’m a very newbie on Deu’ Galih and had been given wholly discography contains 4 CDs. At least, as introduction, i could say that, this is a documentary of a grunge/alternative-rock 90’s generation kid whose exploring everywhere, bravely, and still hold his religion as: grunge. Or anything you want to call it. (Jay)

Hit READMORE for full stories, download links, full tracks, credits and description

Tracks and Credits:
Deu' Galih
Wonderful Journey: Discography (1998-2008)

01. Alien
02. Negative Schizophrenia
03. Berdua
04. Bulan
05. Feathers Drop
06. Free [Earth]
07. Sekiranya
08. Semoga Damai
09. Semoga Damai #2
10. Shake My Hand
11. Way
12. Wife
13. Wish
Download DISC 1 here!

14. Journey
15. She’s
16. Step to Rock n Roll (demo)
17. Ayah (demo)
18. Mother / Farmer (demo)
19. I’m a Healthy Murderer
Download DISC 2 here!

20. Tidur (live)
21. Kau Yang Kusayang / Cinta Yang Tulus (The Rollies cover live)
22. Buat Gadis Rasyid [Chairil Anwar cover] (radio performance)
23. Way (radio performance)
24. Without An Attitude (radio performance)
25. Mantra Jurig (live)
Download DISC 3 here!

26. Pulang
27. Yang Terhempas dan Terputus / Buat Gadis Rasyid (Chairil Anwar's poetry cover)
28. Di Tanah Negeri / Punggung
29. Bunga Lumpur
30. Ilalang
31. Sore
32. Pulang (remix)
Download DISC 4 here!

Lyrics and songs explanation and interpretation, download here!

Deu' Galih / vocals & guitars
Yadi Cubek / lead guitars & backing-vocals on track 13, 16, 18, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, & 32.

All songs was written, recorded & performed in Bandung from 1998 until 2008.

* All material from Disc 1 was taken from Deu’ Galih [1999-2002] EP (2007) plus some B-sides singles & outtake recordings from year 1999-2005.
* Track 11 from Disc 1 was taken from Total Feedback vol.5 compilation v/a (2007)
* All material from Disc 2 was taken from rare songs collection & demos from year 2001-2008.
* All material from Disc 3 was taken from live & radio performances from year 2005-2008.
* All material from Disc 4 was taken from Siluet EP (2008) plus a remix bonus-track.

All music and lyrics was written by Deu' Galih except tracks were noted.
Musics on track 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, & 32 was written by Yadi Cubek.
Music on track 14 was written by Joe.
Music and lyrics on track 21 was written by The Rollies.
Track 32 was remixed by Deu’ Galih.
Lyrics on track 13 by Hendra "Ebiet" Saputra.
Lyrics on track 14 was written by Joe & Deu’ Galih.
Lyrics on tracks 22 & 27 was taken from Chairil Anwar's poetry "Yang Terhempas dan Terputus / Buat Gadis Rasyid".
Lyrics on track 28 was taken from Deu' Galih's poetry "Punggung".

Project coordinator: Dede
Compiled by: Dede
Released by: In My Room Records
Cover design by: Dede
Photos by: Ricky Arnold

Contact, booking, & corresspondence:
Phone : 085624533425 (Galih)
E-mail: deugalih@yahoo.com
URL : www.deugalih.multiply.com

*Review by: Jay
*Translated by: Jay

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