"The Super-Productive Medical College Boy, Coming Back and Give a Birth to His Brand New Album"
-The Boy is refer to Ababil Ashari as Shorthand Phonetics-
Shorthand Phonetics
Genre: Lo-fi, Rock, Alternative, Pop Punk, Indie
Based in: Bandung/Jakarta
Label: Yes No Wave
Year: 2009
Rate: 7/10
Si mahasiswa kedokteran yang produktif berlagu itu kembali menelurkan sebuah album dibawah panji Shorthand Phonetics. Mengacu pada Ababil Ashari sebagai satu-satunya pemeran dalam Shorthand Phonetics, kali ini album penuh ke 4 dari Shorthand Phonetics dilahirkan lagi dengan mudahnya oleh spesialis lo-fi rock/alternative ini. Dan kembali lagi, sebuah album lo-fi rock/punk/alternative dengan berbagai lirikal, judul dan konsepsi konteks cerita fiksi absurd hasil buah kreatif dari Ababil kembali tersedia untuk (selalu) bisa di download secara cuma-cuma. Yes No Wave lah yang lagi-lagi masih menaungi hasil karya Shorthand Phonetics, click here!
Kali ini Shorthand Phonetics melengkapi paket albumnya dengan sebuah digital booklets sederhana yang mungkin dimaksudkan sebagai direksi interpretasi dari Ababil kepada para pendengarnya. Setidaknya untuk lebih mudah memahami konteks dan konsepsi dari lagu-lagu Shorthand Phonetics. Berbentuk file-file JPEG dengan rangkaian prolog-dialog yang membentuk semacam cerita pendek sporadis, dilengkapi lirik dari setiap lagunya. Shorthand Phonetics kembali bercerita dengan gayanya yang khas, lo-fi noisy rock -kali ini sedikit pop punk- dengan setting lirikal konsisten di dunia fiksinya.
Tidak ada lagu yang benar-benar menonjol di album ini, hamper terasa merata diseluruh bagian album. Dengan sound yang juga masih dalam satu koridor, Shorthand Phonetics tidak terdengar sedang bereksperimen disini. He just wrote the songs naturally as it flows as his daily activities, maybe? Seems so. Selama perangkat rekamannya masih ada disekitarnya, terjadilah lagu-lagu itu, cling! Haha… Harus dikatakan, kali ini sound yang diusung sedikit lebih berat dan padat, entah disengaja entah tidak mengingat Shorthand Phonetics memang selalu lo-fi. Tapi beat pop-punk sedang mendominasi di album ini, dengan lengkingan suara Ababil sesekali muncul di bagian lagu.
Coba tengok ke beberapa lagu yang menggelitik telinga saya. Yr #1 In My Mind, Jenna Fischer Analogue, menggoda dengan layer distorsi diawal yang terseret-seret dengan tebalnya, dengan hentakan berisik di versenya, dilengkapi melodi lagu yang pop-punk dan mudah. Kemudian ada Starring Shinohara Yumi as Unity Telosio in SABER 2RD DESTINY: Unity No Chiryoku, dengan ketukan drum ala indie rock kekinian, driven bass picking, dan petikan senar gitar mengikuti nyanyian, disambar langsung dengan refrain yang kembali kasar dan menghajar. The Hardest Achievement hadir dengan musik yang mudah dan genjrengan gitar yang santai, suara Ababil yang tidak merdu membuat lagu ini semakin menjiwai lo-fi. Hahaha… Masih ada Picture Day yang menghadirkan versi shining sunny pop-punk dari Shorthand Phonetics.
Beberapa lagu lain menghadirkan suasana suram yang masih berisik, seperti To the Girl I Think Might Be Similar..., Don’t Worry You’ll Roll a Twenty Eventually, dan Natalies for Glasses IV. Dan jangan khawatir, judul-judul yang disebutkan diatas dipendekkan agar tidak bingung membacanya, karena seperti biasanya, Shorthand Phonetics masih membuat judul dengan kaimat panjang-panjang, dan hanya ada sedikit lagu dengan judul konvensional. Haha.. Tidak ada salahnya mengunduh rilisan ini, cuma-cuma dpersembahkan melalui Yes No Wave. Silahkan… (Jay)
The super-productive medical college boy, coming back and give a birth to his brand new album under the name of Shorthand Phonetics. Refer to Ababil Ashari as the only role player on Shorthand Phonetics, this time the 4th album by Shorthand Phonetics produced easily by the lo-fi alternative/rock specialist. And again, an album of lo-fi rock/punk/alternative sounds with its absurd fiction lyrics, song title, and context conception, available to be downloaded for free (as always). Yes No Wave is (again) host this album to be downloaded on their site. Just click here to go there.
On this occasion, Shorthand Phonetics fulfilled its album with a simple digital booklets, it might be purposed as a direction from Ababil on how the listener should interpret his works. At least to make it easier to understand the context and conception he made in Shorthand Phonetics. Formed as JPEG files contain sets of prolog-dialog made it sporadic stories and with lyrics of each song from the album. Shorthand Phonetics still told stories with its unique style, lo-fi noisy rock –a bit of pop punk this time- with its consistent fiction lyrics.
There are no a single stand up song in this album, who is really catchable at the first time of listening. Mostly even on the entire album. Each songs sound in-line with each other, Shorthand Phonetics was not setting an experiment here. He just wrote the songs naturally as it flows as his daily activities, maybe? Seems so. As long as he had his recording tools around, the songs would just set up, chrink! Haha.. I must say, that the sound brought in this album a bit heavier and dense, intended or not, I can’t predict as Shorthand Phonetics is always lo-fi. But, the pop-punk like beat, is dominating in this album, with Ababil’s screaming suddenly appear in number of parts in this Album.
Let’s take a look at several songs that catch my ear. Yr #1 in My Mind, Jenna Fischer Analogue, seduce me with layers of distortion in the intro, scratchy, thick, and with a jumbo noisy hit beat on the verse, fulfilled with easy pop-punk singing. Then there is Starring Shinohara Yumi as Unity Telosio in SABER 2RD DESTINY: Unity No Chiryoku with its nowadays indie-rock drum fill, driven bass picking, and guitar picking follow its singing, get smashed with a heavy refrain. The Hardest Achievement coming up with an easy guitar jangling, the not-so-in-tune voice by Ababil accomplished the lo-fi novelty for this song. Hahaha.. There is Picture Day who brought shining sunny pop-punk version of Shorthand Phonetics.
Another sets of songs brought up a dark-noisy nuance, as much as To the Girl I Think Might Be Similar..., Don’t Worry You’ll Roll a Twenty Eventually, dan Natalies for Glasses IV. Don’t worry, titles mentioned above were not the full title, so Shorthand Phonetics keeps his history on making a weirdo long (very long) sentences as its song title, only a couples of songs who had a normal-conventional title. Hahaha… You are invited to download this release, free as candy, presented on Yes No Wave. Please come... (Jay)
*Review by: Jay
*Translated by: Jay
Track List:
01. “Yr #1 In My Mind, Jenna Fischer Analogue”,
02. “Starring Shinohara Yumi as Unity Telosio in SABER 2RD DESTINY: unity no chiryoku”,
03. “The Hardest Achievement”,
04. “Picture Day”,
05. “To the Girl I Think Might be Similar to the Girl Flight of the Conchords Were Thinking About When They Were Writing “The Most Beautiful Girl (In the Room)””,
06. “When I Ask for the Time, I’m Really Asking for Your Voice”,
07. “Fear and Loathing in Jikyoku-to”,
08. “Check Your Logic By the Door (Call Me When You Wanna Be Treated Like the Goddess That You Are, Tsubasa-chan.)”,
09. “Don’t Worry You’ll Roll a Twenty Eventually / A Fourth-Wall Shattering Intervention”,
10. “Natalies for Glasses IV (”Remember when I said, “Yes, joining Castle would be a very bad idea for me but I’m joining anyway,” and followed it up with a string of maniacal laughter while playing Mass Effect and I queued up “橙” by チャットモンチー and “One More Sad Song” by the All-American Rejects for you to hear? Look where it got us…look where it got her. I’m wanted to quit, by the way. But I won’t, I guess. Cause I love you guys! But I dunno…”)” and
11. “”This Might Be the Last Time We Ever Meet, So I Guess Now’s Probably the Perfect Moment to Say I’m Sorry…for Everything.” an A/U Firely fanfic by Hanabishi Hideaki.”
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