"Cigarettes Nation Sebenarnya Lebih ke Tempat Sampah Yang Menampung Semuanya"

Left to Right: Big Fatique, Rommy, Yuri, Eka, Johan

Terkisahlah sebuah band yang menangguk sukses di kota mereka sendiri, berkali-kali manggung dan lagunya dikenal luas di seluruh kota. Kemudian, sebuah tempat sampah dari band tersebut bukannya dikubur, tapi iseng-iseng disertakan dalam sebuah festival nasional. Dan yang terjadi adalah, tempat sampah tersebut masih menjadi barang yang berharga sehingga memenangi festival nasional tersebut. Apakah tempat sampah mereka selalu seberharga ini? Saya sedang membicarakan tentang Cigarettes Nation yang merupakan tempat sampah dari Apples in The Wonderland. Hakikinya mereka adalah Apples in The Wonderland, dan menangguk sukses di pentas nasional -LA Lights Indiefest 2007- dengan nama Cigarettes Nation. Simak pembicaraan di sore hari bersama Rommy, Yuri dan Johan di bawah ini.

Selamat sudah menang LA Lights Indiefest 2007..

Gimana rasanya menang LA Lights Indiefest?
Johan: suenennng banget
Yuri: seneng lah bisa jalan-jalan
Rommy: sebagai band lokal, kita untuk pertama kalinya di promosiin dengan scope atau skala besar, dengan adanya festival dengan sponsor rokok itu. Pada intinya kan itu, kayaknya ya itu juga yang dirasakan band-band lain yang menang LA Lights Indiefest

Selain itu?
Gak ada sih

Band-band kota lain bagaimana menurut kalian?
Rommy: sama aja. Kalo aku bilang sama aja
Yuri: kalo dibandingkan sama scene Surabaya sih sama aja, cuma dalam satu kompilasi album itu, mereka punya tipe musik yang lain-lain, dan mereka kuasai dengan baik.

Ada band LA Lights Indiefest yang kalian rekomendasikan?
Rommy: gak ada sama semua….. Oh Scared Of Bums, next big thing itu kayaknya. Live-nya keren
Yuri: mereka bener-bener nguasain musiknya, performance-nya keren

Dulu kan katanya kalian bilang bikin ini band untuk ikut LA Lights Indiefest, nah setelah LA Lights Indiefest apa nih?
Kan kita mau bikin EP, ke depannya, seperti yang tertulis di MySpace, kita mau bubar tahun 2010. Jadi sekarang kan masih 2008, masih ada waktu dua tahun.

Kenapa 2010?
Ya itu cuma idealis kita aja.. Karena awalnya, dan hakikatnya kita itu kan Apples in The Wonderland, nah Cigarettes Nation kan cuma project sampingan. Fungsinya Cigarettes Nation sekarang ini adalah untuk menampung apa yang gak bisa masuk ke Apples. Jadi kalo ada yang tanya apa bedanya, aku cuma bilang ya coba dengerin aja, pasti kerasa kan bedanya. Ibarat rokok yang satu mild satunya kandungan nikotinnya lebih tinggi.

Gak ada filter dari awal sebagai pembeda?
Kalo filter dari awal enggak ada sebenarnya. Ya akhir-akhir ini aja mengarahnya kayak gitu. Itu juga dari respon dan feedback dari teman-teman. Kan bisa di petakan mana yang suka Apples mana yang suka Cigarettes, dan Apples masih belum terkalahkan. Hehehe…

Kalo secara arah musikal Cigarettes lebih kemana nih?
Secara musikal, Cigarettes sebenarnya lebih ke tempat sampah yang menampung semuanya. Jadi root-nya sama dengan Apples, orang player dan konsepnya juga sama. Cuma Cigarettes itu lebih bebas aja, ini gak kita urus sama sekali (kalo Apples ada The Wonderlander, komunitas yang setia yang memang kita urus).

Pembentukkan image-nya kan sepertinya berbeda, -kostum mob-mafia?
Sebenarnya bukan mafia, dari awal konsep kita intinya pertama harsh (lebih kasar) sama klasik. Kita, kalau manggung, tampilan image warna kita adalah hitam-putih-merah, mungkin kita juga terinspirasi sama The White Stripes juga. Lebih kepada konsep desain sih.

Menurut kalian, mana yang lebih populer, Cigarettes atau Apples?
Aku gak bisa jawab itu, karena kan kita gak ada sistem untuk mengetahui respon orang untuk yang Cigarettes. Kalo Apples kan kita sering kontak sama pendengar.

Emang gak bikin fanbase dan sebagainya?
Belum. Gak tau nanti, mungkin kalau menang indiefest internasional, hahaha, kan lebih worth it untuk dibela-belain

Apakah Cigarettes Nation masih menjadi back-up dari Apples in The Wonderland? Dimana ujungnya adalah mengarahkan ke Apples in The Wonderland?
Sebenarnya ini kan langkah awal bersama, buntutnya emang pasti diarahkan ke Apples, tapi dengan cara yang let it flow, tidak memaksa. Secara ego, kita juga mau bilang bahwa dengan kemenangan di LA Lights Indiefest, Apples itu bukan cuma ikan besar di kolam yang kecil. Kita juga bisa menang festival nasional, jika itu memang jadi ukuran bagi sebagian orang

Dengan gambaran seperti tadi, sepertinya kamu mau membuktikan sesuatu kepada beberapa orang dengan memenangkan LA Lights Indiefest?
Iya. Karena sebenarnya walau secara musikal Apples itu lebih pop, tapi kita lebih keras kepala. Kalo kita ngomong soal indie ya, Apples itu lebih indie dari Cigarettes Nation. Kita jalani semua sendiri, kita bangun fanbase, bangun sistem, bangun konsep, semua kita kerjakan sendiri. Beberapa label ada yang ngajak Apples, tapi karena karakter anak-anak Apples sudah terbentuk kuat, kita jadi sulit bekerja sama dengan orang lain. Beda dengan Cigarettes Nation yang lebih fleksibel. Jadi memang yang paling hakiki bagi kita adalah ya Apples in The Wonderland itu.

Jadi Apples ingin menjadi lebih besar dengan caranya sendiri?
Sebenarnya bukan ingin menjadi besar, namun ingin survive dengan cara kita sendiri. Mungkin bisa juga dianggap kalau Cigarettes adalah alatnya atau kendaraannya Apples. Nanti Cigarettes akan bubar pada 2010, sementara Apples sampai kita ntar punya cucu kita akan tetap bawain lagu dan bikin lagu.

Lagu-lagu Cigarettes Nation itu memang lagu-lagu yang gak kepake ya?
Yuri: Sebenarnya bukan lagu gak kepake, tapi kayak inspirasi yang gak kepake.
Rommy: Ide yang gak kepake. Jadi di harddisk ku itu banyak sekali musik –belum jadi lagu-, yang udah jadi lagu untuk bisa di produce itu ada lima. Nah itu rencananya kalo ada waktu dan tenaga mau kita bikin EP untuk Cigarettes Nation

Kalau albumnya Apples?
Kita sementara ini cuma bocor-bocorin single baru dan video yang bisa di download gratis di www.applesinthewonderland.tk

Ada bocoran tentang EP Cigarettes Nation?
Judulnya rencananya Euronesia.

Kenapa Euronesia?
Rommy: selama ini kan kita melihat kalo banyak band-band lain yang sok indie, sok bule atau pendeknya sok Interpol, sol Libertines sok ini sok itu, yang diambil langsung tanpa dipikir.
Yuri: jadi mungkin mereka sebenarnya terinspirasi, tapi jadi gak punya filter
Rommy: lupa kalo mereka orang indonesia

Euronesia semacam sindiran?
Bukan sih, jadi kita bikin album yang konsepnya adalah akulturasi atau asimilasi dari barat dengan Indonesia yang benar menurut ideal-nya kita.

Akhir-akhir ini kan banyak yang asal jiplak lagu orang, menurut kalian gimana tuh?
Kalau menurutku ya itu adalah kutukan negara ketiga, yang selalu menoleh ke barat. Gak cuman musik, semuanya juga begitu.

Tema lirikal Cigarettes sama Apples beda ya?
Beda. Kalo cigarettes lebih ke sosial, lebih kritis. Lebih kasar, lebih realistis.

Kabarnya kalian sempat gak puas sama proses produksi kompilasi LA Lights Indiefest ya? Kenapa?
Studio-nya sih enak, tapi hasilnya kok tidak sesuai dengan harapan. Sebagai band emang kita gak puas, tapi kita juga ngerti lah kalau mereka dikejar deadline dan sebagainya. Gimana-gimana walaupun labelnya Indiefest, indie, tapi kenyataannya sponsor mereka bukan indie, distribusinya bukan indie, pasar mereka bukan indie. Aku juga menduga kalau band lain juga merasa bahwa hasil akhir masteringnya tidak sesuai harapan. Sebenarnya ini masalah teknis ya, kalau musik major, untuk dilepas di pasar nasional, memang ada standar kualitas tertentu seperti balancing vocal dan sebagainya biar enak didengar di kuping orang pada awamnya. Nah kita gak puas setelah melalui filter itu, hasilnya kok tidak sesuai. Jadi yang kita alami adalah, -Cigarettes sama seperti Apples- semua drum kita secara teknis adalah midi. Kita berangat kesana bawa midi, nah menurut mereka itu susah diproses di recording. Jadi dari tiga shift untuk rekaman satu lagu, satu shift habis untuk berdebat sama Helvi dari Fast Forward dan operator. Akhirny Helvi-nya mau, tapi hasilnya setelah keluar yang diambil malah bukan midi-nya, tapi take asli si Fatique yang sebenarnya untuk diambil karakter suara drum-nya aja. Terus kita jadi gak punya waktu untuk meng-eksplor vokal Yuri, sehingga hasilnya menurut kita lebih bagus versi demonya. Kalo teman-teman mau membandingkan, download aja di MySpace kita.

Kalo menurut kalian, secara keseluruhan bagaimana sih adanya kehadiran LA Lights Indiefest ini?
Kalo aku pikir, semua yang lolos LA Lights Indiefest ini akan bilang bagus, karena mereka kan punya budget besar untuk promosi. Cuman harusnya gak berhenti di situ untuk masing-masing band, jadi itu kan cuma loncatan, harus ada kelanjutannya.

Cigarettes Nation ada influence khusus gak?
Rommy: Apples in The Wonderland. Hehehe… The Doors, The Who, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin. Cigarettes Nation itu salah satunya cerminan dari kesukaan kita menonton film juga. Downtown Dogz itu ada sepenggal liriknya yang diambil dari dialog Brad Pitt di film Fight Club. Temanya Downtown Dogz itu kan juga kayak Fight Club selain terinspirasi juga dari film Gangs Of New York.

Ada bocoran lain tentang EP?
Lebonc (vokalis Apples in The Wonderland) ikut nyanyi juga, jadi kita masukkin “Di Akhir Cerita” lagu-nya Apples dibawakan oleh Cigarettes Nation, duet sama Lebonc.

Menurut kalian kenapa sekarang acara musik indie di Surabaya semakin berkurang?
Rommy: jangan-jangan term indie, atau sidestream atau non-mainstream, jangan-jangan cuma tren aja…. Jangan jangan…
Yuri: kalo aku pribadi ngeliatnya sih malah, kenapa kemarin waktu indie gak begitu dilihat orang malah banyak yang bikin event. Sekarang ketika sudah mulai bisa diterima orang umum, penontonnya udah bagus banget responnya, kok malah sepi acaranya.
Rommy: jadi kayaknya sih begini ya, kan ada tesis, anti-tesis dan tengahnya sintesis. Awalnya indie itu beberapa tahun kemarin muncul sebagai anti-tesisnya mainstream. Nah sekarang itu udah di tengah-tengahnya, sudah menjadi sintesis. Mungkin sekarang sudah ada di tengah-tengahnya itu.

Oke, ada kata-kata mutiara dari Cigarettes Nation?
Yuri: Dalam rangka 63 tahun Indonesia nih
Rommy: Happy Birthday Jong Indonesia. Haha. Selamat ulang tahun pemuda-pemuda Indonesia.
Rommy: Polling masih dibuka, benarkah Cigarettes Nation better than Apples in The Wonderland? Haha…
the downtown dogz are on the stage

There is a story that a band who is success in their on town, have many show performed and its songs recognized widely all over the town. Then, a trash bin of the band, being entered into a national festival. And then, the trash bin is still too precious, so it comes as the winner in the national festival. Is the bands trash bin always this precious? I.m talking about Cigarettes Nation who is a trash bin for Apples in The Wonderland. The truth is, they are Apples in The Wonderland, and being succeed in national festival -LA Lights Indiefest 2007- with name Cigarettes Nation. Look for the chat on early afternoon with Rommy, Yuri and Johan below.

Congratulation for winning on LA Lights Indiefest 2007…

How was it feels to won LA Lights Indiefest 2007?
Johan: sooo.. Happy
Yuri: glad, that I could travel around
Rommy: as a local band, for the first time we’ve been promoted at the bigger scope. That’s the point, maybe that’s what the rest winners feel too.

Others than that?

Bands from the other region, what do you think?
Rommy: just the same. I thought it’s just the same
Yuri: If to be compared with Surabaya scene, it’s just the same, but in the compilation album, each of them have their own type of music, and they are into its genre.

Any bands you recommend?
Rommy: No, everybands just the same….. Oh, Scared of Bums, gonna be next big thing. The live show is great.
Yuri: They are really into their music, the performance is hot

You’ve said before that made this band to enter the indiefest, so, what now after the indiefest?
We will produce an EP soon, furthermore, we will end Cigarettes Nation on 2010, as noted on our MySpace. It’s 2008 now, so it’s still two years left.

Why 2010?
That’s only our idealism. Because from the first time, and the truth we are Apples in The Wonderland, Cigarettes Nation is only a side project. Its function is to take everything couldn’t enter Apples in The Wonderland. So, if any question what’s the different, just listen it yourself to feel that.

Is there any filter from the beginning to differ them?
There is no filter in the beginning. It’s follow the respond and feedback from our friends, so the direction is like this lately. We could mapped who like Apples who like Cigarettes, but still, Apples undefeated. Hahaha…

On musicality, Cigarettes Nation is like what?
As musical, Cigarettes more as a trash bin that take it all. The root is the same as Apples, -the players are just the same- but Cigarettes is more free, we let it just flow (Apples have The Wonderlander, fanbase that we organize)

The imagery for Cigarettes Nation seems different, -mob mafia costume-?
That is not a mafia really. From the beginning, our core concept is harsh and classic. We set our color image as black-white-red on the stage. We might be inspired by The White Stripes too. It’s more on design concept.

Which one is more popular, Cigarettes or Apples?
I can’t answer that, we don’t have system to know peoples respond for Cigarettes.

You are not building a fanbase or what?
Not yet. I don’t know later, may be if we won the international Indiefest, hahaha, which is must be really worth it.

Is Cigarettes Nation still a back-up for Apples in The Wonderland?
The direction is always on Apples in The Wonderland –with let-it-flow way-, where we begun at the first. As our ego, we want to say that with our win on LA Lights Indiefest 2007, Apples in The Wonderland is not just a big fish in small pool. We could win in national festival, if those would be a measure for some peoples

With that figure, you seem like to prove something to some peoples with winning the LA Lights Indiefest?
Yes. Because, instead at musical Apples is more pop, but we are pig-headed. If we talk about Indie, Apples is more indie than Cigarettes Nation. We going through everything, built fanbase, system, concept. Several labels want to ask Apples to join, but is hard for us to work with others. It doesn’t like Cigarettes Nation who is more flexible. Apples in The Wonderland are the thing for us.

So, Apples want to be bigger with its own way?
It’s not to be bigger, but want to survive with our own way. You can say that Cigarettes is the tool or vehicle for Apples in The Wonderland. Cigarettes will be end at 2010, but Apples will remain till old-age.

Cigarettes Nation’s songs are unused songs?
Yuri: not really unused songs, but unused inspiration.
Rommy: unused idea. In my harddisk there are so much music-work –not yet a song-, there are five of it that can be produced as a song. We will make them as EP for Cigarettes Nation

How about album for Apples it self?
Now we’re just post new singles and video, you can download it free at www.applesinthewonderland.tk

Is there any information about Cigarettes Nation’s EP?
Its title will be Euronesia

Why Euronesia?
Rommy: As this far we can see many bands, being so indie, abroad, shortly, so Interpol, Libertines and this and that, they took it directly, with no filter on it.
Yuri: they might be inspired but have no filter

Is Euronesia kind of cynical?
Not really, so we make an album with a concept of acculturation or assimilation of west and Indonesia, ideally right for us.

There are many bands copied other band’s song, what do you think?
It’s the damn for third country, we are always facing west. Not only on music, everything.

Lyrical theme of Cigarettes is different with Apples?
Yes, it’s different. Cigarettes more social, critical, harsh and realistic

I’ve heard that you are not fully satisfied with the production of LA Lights Indiefest compilation album, why?
The studio is nice, but the result is below expectation. As a band we are not satisfied, we know that peoples have deadline and more. Instead the label of the work is Indiefest, the fact, the sponsor is not indie, the distribution is not indie, their market also not indie. I guess the others band in the compilation is not satisfied for the mastering result as well. This is a technical issue, in major music industry, there is a standard for quality, like vocal balancing and many more, so most peoples can listen to it. We feel unsatisfied after went through those filter, not as we expected. So, what we experienced are, -Cigarettes just like Apples- all of our drum technically are midi. We went there bring the midi, and they thought it was unease to process the record with midi. So, by the three shifts for recording session, one of them was gone for debate with Helvi from Fast Forward Rec. and the operator. Finally Helvi agreed to use midi, but the result is not the midi, it’s the sound from Fatique take result –it was supposed to be taken to synchronized the drum sound-. Then we don’t have much time to explore Yuri’s voice, so the result we thought worse than the demo version. If you want to compare, you can download the two on our MySpace.

What do you think, as overall, the existence of LA Lights Indiefest?
I think, every band that going through the compilation would say this is good, because they have huge amount of budget for promotion. But, it doesn’t have to stop right after that for the bands, that’s only a single hop, must be some next steps.

Are there any special influences for Cigarettes Nation?
Rommy: Apples in The Wonderland. Hehehe… The Doors, The Who, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin. Cigarettes Nation is also figure our likeness to watch movie. Downtown Dogz lyric, part of it there is dialog by Brad Pitt on Fight Club. The theme of Downtown Dogz is also like Fight Club, and also inspired by Gang of New York.

Are there any others information about the EP?
Lebonc (Apples in The Wonderland vocalist) will appear to sing. We put in Apples’s song “Di Akhir Cerita” performed by Cigarettes Nation, featuring Lebonc.

According to you, why there were smaller amount of Indie music event now in Surabaya?
Rommy: it might be, indie or sidesteam or non-mainstram term ae only a trend? Might be..
Yuri: Personally, I think previously, when indie is not this popular, there were many events out there. But now, when the music itself has more audiences with good respond, there are no events.
Rommy: So I think its could be like this: there is a thesis, anti-thesis and between the is synthesis. As the beginning, indie is anti-thesis for mainstream music, now it might be in the middle of it. It’s a synthesis.

Okay, any last words?
Yuri: this is the time for 63th anniversary of Indonesia
Rommy: Happy birthday Jong Indonesia. Haha. Happy Birthday for Indonesian youth.
Rommy: The poll is still open, is it right that Cigarettes Nation better than Apples in The Wonderland? Haha…

*Words and interview by: Jay
*Photos are from Cigarettes Nation/Apples in The Wonderland

The Upstairs
Genre : New-Wave Rock/Punk
Based in : Jakarta, Indonesia
Label : Yes No Wave
Year : 2008
Rate : 7/10

Ini adalah album EP terbaru dari band new-wave rock fenomenal asal Jakarta, The Upstairs. Ada hal baru pada rilisnya album EP Ku Nobatkan Jadi Fantasi ini. Untuk pertama kalinya, The Upstairs merilis album melalui net label, yaitu Yes No Wave, secara gratis. Sehingga setiap orang bebas mengunduh dan memproduksi sendiri album EP ini. Lalu, apakah album ini akan kembali heboh seperti pendahulunya? Saya rasa tidak juga. Karena dari enam lagu di EP ini, The Upstairs hanya menyajikan satu lagu baru, yaitu Ku Nobatkan Jadi Fantasi. Sepertinya The Upstairs ingin menjadikan album ini lebih sebagai collectible item saja.

Diluar intro-nya yang seperti nada pada game Nintendo, Ku Nobatkan Jadi Fantasi kembali menghadirkan energi punk dari The Upstairs kembali. Seperti sebelumnya terasa pada lagu-lagu semacam Nilai Nilai Nilai dan Amatir dari album Matraman. Part melodi juga menghadirkan nuansa rock n roll walaupun kesemuanya masih berbalut new-wave rock ala The Upstairs. Track lainnya sudah pernah dirilis di album sebelumnya, dan album kompilasi JKT:SKRGAlexander Graham Bell dan Televisi-. Rekaman live dari Terekam (Tak Pernah Mati) akan menjadi sangat menarik bagi fans setia The Upstairs. Celotehan khas Jimi Multhazam sang vokalis bisa didengarkan disini. Konyol, spontan dan apa adanya. Kemudian versi akustik dari Lompat akan cukup menghibur dan memberi nuansa berbeda, lebih tenang.

Sebenarnya secara keseluruhan album ini malah jadi semacam rilis single dan b-sides nya. Karena lagu barunya hanya satu, dan lagu lainnya juga sudah pernah dirilis. Tapi ini tetap akan menjadi item koleksi wajib bagi para Modern Darlings (fans The Upstairs).
This is the newest EP from The Upstairs, the phenomenal new-wave rock band from The Upstairs. There are new things on the release of this EP. For the first time, The Upstairs released the album through net label, Yes No Wave, for free. So, everyone free to download and produce the album by own-self. So, will the album gonna be big like before? I don’t think so. Because from the six songs in this album, only one of them is a new song, it’s Ku Nobatkan Jadi Fantasi. The Upstairs seems made this album as a collectible, that’s it.

Otherwise the intro that’s like a tune from Nintendo game, Ku Nobatkan Jadi Fantasi bring back the punk energy from the Upstairs. Previously can be found in old tracks, like Nilai Nilai Nilai and Amatir from Matraman album. The guitar solo part bring the rock n roll taste but still in The Upstairs new-wave rock way. The rest tracks are previously released in last album, and compilation album JKT:SKRGAlexander Graham Bell and Televisi-. Live record of Terekam (Tak Pernah Mati) could be enjoyable for the fans. Jimi Multhazam’s words, the vocalist, could be found here. Spontaneous, silly and just the way he is. Then, acoustic version of Lompat would be nice and give a different sight, chill.

Actually, the EP is more like single with b-sides release. Because the new song is just a single one song, and the rest is previously released before. But still, it will be a must collectible item for Modern Darlings (The Upstairs fans).

Review by: Jay

01. Ku Nobatkan Jadi Fantasi
02. Dansa Akhir Pekan (2008)
03. Alexander Graham Bell
04. Televisi
05. Terekam (Tak Pernah Mati) (Live)
06. Lompat (Live Accoustic Set)

Download, jump to Yes No Wave or click here

The Last Shadow Puppets
Genre : Alternative, Folk-Rock
Based in : UK
Label : Domino Record
Year : 2008
Rate : 9/10

Saya bukan penggemar berat Arctic Monkey ataupun The Rascals, tapi saya sekarang bisa bilang, saya adalah penggemar The Last Shadow Puppets. Ha? What the heck? The Last Shadow Puppets adalah interseksi antara Arctic Monkey dan The Rascals, dimana kedua personil The Last Shadow Puppets adalah dari kedua band tersebut. Adalah Alex Turner dari Arctic Monkey dan Miles Kane dari The Rascals yang membuat band sampingan ini. Are you expecting some indie-rock act? Maaf, tidak seperti itulah sound dan musik yang dihasilkan dua orang ini, in short, it’s more classic, steady and mature –but still an action.

The Age of The Understatement adalah judul album dari proyek sampingan ini, sekaligus judul single pertama mereka. Sentuhan folky-rock dengan balutan string section di sepanjang album, dengan anda sentimentil dan harmonisasi vokal menawan menjadi menu utama yang ditawarkan album ini. Beberapa bagian terdengar seperti soundtrack untuk film action klasik atau serial tokusatsu semacam Lionmaru dari Jepang.

Patriotis. Itulah yang terbayang di benak ketika mendengar lagu The Age of The Understatement. Akan bisa merasuk dengan sangat cocok di film action klasik manapun rasanya. Saya punya dua lagu favorit dari album ini, Standing Next To Me dan Meeting Place. Standing Next To Me menjadi ballads-rock yang enerjik dan upbeat, dengan rangsangan untuk membuatmu ingin ikut menyanyi dan segera mencari lirik lagunya. Meeting Place mengalun syahdu dengan story-telling lyric. Minimalis, dengan genjrengan gitar akustik plus nuansa syahdu dari organ dan string section, of course.

Kemampuan membuat lagu memang menjadi kekuatan utama duo asal Inggris ini. Walaupun tak pelak, aransemen yang kuat dan matang turut menjadi senjata utama album ini. Terima kasih banyak kepada London Metropolitan Orchestra yang memainkan orkestrasi pada album ini. In My Room menjadi maksimal dengan sentuhan orkestrasi yang mendramatisir lagu ini. Separate and Ever Deadly dan Only The Truth menjadi lagu lain yang representatif untuk scoring adegan action. Driven and courageous. The Chamber dan Black Plant akan mudah mengisi jeda kosong di harimu. Dan banyak yang memuji The Time Has Come Again sebagai track akustik ballads yang menarik, walaupun saya lebih menyukai Meeting Place.

Ini adalah album bagus dengan banyak lagu bagus di dalamnya. Jangan pernah ragu untuk mendapatkan album ini, salah satu yang harus kamu punya di tahun 2008 ini. Tidak harus menjadi fans Arctic Monkey atau The Rascals untuk menyukai The Last Shadow Puppets.
I’m not a big fan of Arctic Monkey neither The Rascals, but I can say that I’m a big fan of The Last Shadow Puppets. Ha? What the heck? The Last Shadow Puppets is an intersection between Arctic Monkey and The Rascals, where the two members of The Last Shadow Puppets are from those two bands. They are Alex Turner from Arctic Monkey and Miles Kane from The Rascals who create this side-project band. Are you expecting some indie-rock act? I’m sorry that’s not the way its sounds nor the music that have been made by those two, in short, it’s more classic, steady and mature –but still an action on it.

The Age of The Understatement is the title of this side project, and the title for their first single. Touch of folky-rock with string section along the album and sentimental tune also with nice vocal harmonization are the main menu offered by this album. Some part more like a soundtrack or music score for classic action movie, or tokusatsu serial such as Lionmaru from Japan.

Patriotic. That’s the word in my mind when I listen to the song The Age of The Understatement. It would be perfectly fit in any classic action movie. I have two favorite songs in this album, Standing Next To Me and Meeting Place. Standing Next To Me being a ballads-rock that energetic and upbeat, with a trigger could make you sing and look for the lyric shortly. Meeting Place flowing nicely with its story-telling lyric. Minimalist, with jangling acoustic guitar plus mellow nuance by the organ and string section, of course.

Song crafting skill is the main strength of these duo from British. Instead, the strong arrangement and mature is also the power of the album. Big thanks for London Metropolitan Orchestra who played orchestration in this album. In My Room is maximized with its orchestration touch, that dramatizing the song. Separate and Ever Deadly and Only The Truth being representative songs for action music scoring. Driven and courageous. The Chamber and Black Plant will be easily fill the empty space in your daily activities. And, many peoples praise for The Time Has Come Again as a great acoustic ballads song, although I like Meeting Place more.

This is a great album with lots of great songs in it. Don’t ever doubt to get this album, this is one of the must-have album of 2008. You don’t have to be the fans of Arctic Monkey or The Rascals to love The Last Shadow Puppets.

Review by: Jay

01. The Age Of The Understatement      *YouTube!*
02. Standing Next To Me      *YouTube!*
03. Calm Like You
04. Separate and Ever Deadly
05. The Chamber
06. Only The Truth      *YouTube!*
07. My Mistakes Were Made For You      *YouTube!*
08. Black Plant
09. I Don't Like You Any More
10. In My Room
11. Meeting Place      *YouTube!*
12. The Time Has Come Again

Sajama Cut yang sudah lama tidak terdengar kabarnya, sekarang merilis The Internationale (L'Internationale). Sebuah album yang berisikan hasil remix lagu-lagu Sajama Cut dari album sebelumnya, The Osaka Journal. Memang bukan sebuah karya baru yang disuguhkan disini, lebih pada pengemasan baru. Download dua sample lagunya melalui link dibawah.

The Internationale diklaim oleh Sajama Cut sebagai salah satu wujud upaya globalisasi dengan pengertiannya sendiri. Memang musisi yang mengacak-acak lagu dari The Osaka Journal ini berasal dari seluruh dunia (isn't it a globalization?). Termasuk juga beberapa musisi dari Indonesia seperti Henry Foundation, Cacat Nada dan Hello Stereo. Dari pentas internasional ada beberapa nama seperti YMCK, Boy vs. Bacteria, Sintecoraz, The Karl Maka dan lainnya.

Memang ini menjadi album Sajama Cut yang tidak dikerjakan oleh Sajama Cut, namun berdasarkan karya dari Sajama Cut. Dari kedua sample yang bebas diunduh, tampaknya ini akan menjadi album yang menjanjikan. Nuansa chiptune sepertinya akan cukup terasa, dengan line-up seperti YMCK, Cacat Nada dan Hello Stereo juga Boy vs. Bacteria (Season Finale menjadi cukup menarik!).

Silahkan unduh kedua sample dibawah, dan jangan lupa untuk mendapatkan album ini!
Sajama Cut, that quite a long time less news about them, just released The Internationale (L'Internationale). An album contain remix of The Osaka Journal -previous Sajama Cut album. That weren't new songs to be showed here, more on new package. Download the two songs sample below.

The Internationale have been claimed by Sajama Cut as a form of globalization on their own way. The artists who appeared here, worked away songs from The Osaka Journal came from around the globe (isn't it a globalization?). Include some musicians from Indonesia such as Henry Foundation, Cacat Nada and Hello Stereo. From abroad, there are names like YMCK, Boy vs. Bacteria, Sintecoraz, The Karl Maka nad many more.

This has been a Sajama Cut album that not worked by Sajama Cut, but based on Sajama Cut. Based on the two samples that free to download, it's going to be a prospective album. Chiptune sound may be some lines there, with line up such as YMCK, Cacat Nada, Hello Stereo, and Boy vs. Bacteria (Season Finale just was great!).

So, you are free to download the samples below, and dont forget to get the album!

Season Finale (Boy vs. Bacteria)        Download!
Fin (Sintecoraz)                                     Download!

01. Season Finale (Boy vs. Bacteria) – STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN
02. Fin (Sintecoraz) – , CARACAS, VENEZUELA
03. Kyoto (The Karl Maka) – SINGAPORE
04. Nemesis/Murder (YMCK) – TOKYO, JAPAN
05. Scarlet (Pu King Dinnerguest) – OSLO, NORWAY
06. Fin (Video Game Orchestra) – ATHENS, GREECE
07. Fallen Japanese – (Henry Foundation) – JAKARTA, INDONESIA
08. Seasons:
I. (The Karl Maka) – SINGAPORE
III. (Super Multifaros) – SWEDEN
09. Idol Semen (R.E.A.D.Y DOT) – LUXEMBOURG
10. Fin (Brain) –ITALY
11. Lagu Tema (Cacat Nada) – JOGJAKARTA, INDONESIA
12. Fallen Japanese (Tokay Tokek) – ROERMOND, NETHERLANDS
13. Alibi (Arcadecoma) – EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND
14. Take Care, Inamorata (Hello Stereo) – SEMARANG, INDONESIA
15. Fallen Japanese (Troncolon) – NEW YORK CITY, USA

Enhanced CD (Music Videos)
1. Fin (VGO Mix) Video, directed by Raquel Meyers from Madrid, Spain
2. Nemesis/Murder (YMCK mix), video by Hiroko Kosugi from Japan
3. Fallen Japanese (Sawako mix), video by David Horvitz from Brooklyn, NYC

*Written and translated by: Jay
*Samples are from Sajama Cut

Seringai barking at the audiences

Date: 15 Agustus 2008
Place: Lap. Basuki Rahmat Surabaya
Entry: IDR 10.000 (include a pack of cigarettes)
Finalist: Albert and The Product, Robert Davis Chaniago, Wai Rejected, Soulmate, Unda Undi and Pollypop
Bands: Burgerkill, Seringai, The Changcuters, Minerva, The Morning After, Cigarettes Nation
Good: Jam Revolution. Burgerkill and Seringai together with Minerva, neo-classic meet rock!
Bad: Two-sided stage!

Ini dia ajang show case bagi ke enam kontestan LA Lights Indiefest 2008 regional Surabaya untuk diseleksi menuju kompilasi tahunan LA Lights Indiefest. Pada edisi 2008 ini ada enam finalis, yaitu Albert and The Product, Robert Davis Chaniago, Wai Rejected, Soulmate, Unda Undi dan Pollypop. Ajang show case kali ini, dihadiri bintang tamu yaitu Burgerkill, Seringai, The Changcuters, Minerva, The Morning After dan Cigarettes Nation.

Sesampainya dilokasi, sesuai prediksi, memang ramailah ini acara, dengan hipotesis utama penyebab keramaian adalah kehadiran The Changcuters sebagai bintang tamu. yeah, lagu-lagunya yang merantak di RCTI setiap malam sebagai soundtrack sinetron membuat band ini begitu populer. Begitu masuk ke areal panggung, saya melihat tendensi “berinovasi” yang diupayakan penyelenggara, dengan mengunakan two-sided stage. Panggung yang memiliki dua sisi, depan dan belakang, sehingga penampil bisa langsung bergantian tanpa waktu menunggu. Sayangnya justru hal “inovatif” ini adalah yang paling mengganggu sepanjang acara, bagaimana tidak, kita harus berpindah sisi, setiap saat ingin melihat band berikutnya! Semoga konsep ini tidak akan dipakai lagi.

Oke, saya sempat menyaksikan Minerva, walaupun hanya sedikit. Empat cewek bersenjatakan biola (string section quartet) ini memainkan musik yang kurang lebih seperti Bond. Kemudian setelah itu, ditampilkan ke enam finalis regional Surabaya. penampilannya dibagi menjadi dua sesi yang berurutan. Sesi pertama ada Unda Undi, Pollypop dan Wai Rejected. Pada sesi ini jelas penampilan Wai Rejected asal Malang adalah yang paling stand out. Terasa sangat matang dalam aransemen lagu. Sesi kedua ada Albert and The Product, Soulmate dan Robert Davis Chaniago. Ketiganya tampil baik, namun banyak yang membicarakan Soulmate dengan electro-pop nya yang memang tidak banyak di kota ini. I don’t want to judge them, as I’m not the jury, but I predict, Wai Rejected and Soulmate would go through the compilation. Haha..

Bambang of The Morning After

Sampai pada penampilan bintang tamu, yang pertama tampil ada The Morning After. Band jebolan LA Lights Indiefest 2007 ini tampil dengan manisnya, dengan musik 90’s alternatif. Kemudian ada Cigarettes Nation, yang juga jebolan LA Lights Indiefest 2007. Tampil dengan menyanyikan salah satu soundtrack film Kill Bill pada lagu pertama, kemudian menghadirkan Lebonc (vokalis Apples in The Wonderland –band induk Cigarettes Nation) pada lagu terakhir, (The Curse of) the Downtown Dogz.

Setelah penampilan para alumnus, hadirlah serigala-serigala beringas berlabel Seringai yang siap membakar stage malam itu. Yeah, antusiasme anak muda di bibir panggung begitu bergairahnya, Akselerasi Maksimum yang menjadi lagu pertama langsung membuat moshpit, dan tubuh tubuh pun bertubrukkan kesana kemari. Seringai sukses memprovokasi audiens untuk menggila di moshpit, walaupun dengan sound yang tidak memuaskan. Suara gitar sempat kurang keluar dengan baik, namun para fans Seringai sudah bisa ber-ejakulasi dengan kehadiran band pujaan mereka. Oh, ya, penampilan Seringai ditutup dengan lagu Neraka Jahanam milik Duo Kribo –sempat dipopulerkan oleh Boomerang. Setelah Seringai selesai, langsung dihajar di stage baliknya (jadi harus lari ke stage sebaliknya, damn!) ada Burgerkill disana! Burgerkill langsung menghajar dengan dentuman trash metal yang menghajar anak-anak di moshpit. Kali ini sound sangat menggelegar dan terdengar seperti seharusnya. Metalheads akan merasakan double orgasm disini.

Setelah Burgerkill, ada The Changcuters, yang sedang sangat hype, thanks to television. Yah, seperti bisa diprediksi, antusiasme berlipat-lipat pada penampilan The Changcuters. lagu-lagu sinetron itu mereka bawakan dengan diiringi koor dari penonton. Setelah The Changcuters sebenarnya adalah puncak acara, yaitu Jam Revolution. dimana sebelumnya pernah diadakan juga dibandung menampilkan 5 band, antara lain, Koil, Mocca, Pure Saturday, Alone At Last dan Goodnight Electric, membawakan lagu milik Pure Saturday. Nah kali ini menampilkan Seringai dan Burgerkill bergantian diiringi oleh Minerva. Dan puncak kekesalan saya terhadap two-sided stage ada disini! Setiap selesai lagu, langsung berpindah set panggung ke sisi sebaliknya! Damn! Seringai dan Burgerkill juga tampaknya merasakan kekesalan yang sama, mereka pun berbalik ke sisi depan dan belakang bergantian. Yah, untungnya penampilan kedua band ini sangat memuaskan, Minerva juga berhasil memasukkan nuansa neo-klasik dalam musik cadas.

Sekian dulu laporan untuk pertunjukkan kali ini. couldn’t get enough of Seringai, sampai bisa menonton pada stage yang lebih kecil dan rendah. Hahaha… Selamat kepada para finalis indiefest, semoga sukses! kalo bikin album jangan lupa kasih nama Mellon Zine di ucapan terima kasih, hehehe…
Sammy Seringai: pose andalan

Here is, the show case of six finalist of LA Lights Indiefest 2008, Surabaya region to be selected into annual compilation by LA Lights Indiefest. In this year, there is six finalists, Albert and The Product, Robert Davis Chaniago, Wai Rejected, Soulmate, Unda Undi and Pollypop. This show also showing Burgerkill, Seringai, The Changcuters, Minerva, The Morning After and Cigarettes Nation.

As I came on the venue, as I predicted before, there is so crowded, my hypothesis, main cause of the crowd is because the present of The Changcuters as performer. Yeah, their songs were played very often in the TV lately, as soundtrack of several TV serials. As I got inside, I feel some tendency of “Innovation” that being tried by the organizer. With its two-sided stage, back and front, so the audiences don’t have to wait performance after performance, because the performer could prepare its show, when the previous performer is onstage in the different side. Ironically, this “innovation”-things is the most annoying thing along the show. We must turn aside –which mean not a near distance to walk-, each time we want to see the next performer! I hope, this concept would never be used again.

Okay, I catch Minerva performance, although not much. Four lads with violin (string section quartet), they played music, much less like Bond. Then come the time for the six finalists to show their best. The performance divided into two sessions, first session there are Unda Undi, Pollypop and Wai Rejected. From this session, clearly Wai Rejected is most stand out compared the other two. They just so mature in song arrangement. The next session there are Albert and The Product, Robert Davis Chaniago and Soulmate. All of them showing very good performance, but many peoples talk about Soulmate with its electro-pop that not much counted in this town. I don’t want to judge them, as I’m not the jury, but I predict, Wai Rejected and Soulmate would go through the compilation. Haha..

Then, the time for the star performer, the fist performer is The Morning After. Band that its song compiled in LA Lights Indiefest 2007, perform sweetly, with tis 90’s altenative music. Next we have Cigarettes Nation, that appear in the 2007 compilation too. Sing a song from Kill Bill soundtrack in their first song, then appearing Lebonc (vocalist of Apples in The Wonderland –the origin band of Cigarettes Nation) in the last song, (The Curse of) The Downtown Dogz.

After that, Seringai came up, ready to burn-out the stage that night. Yeah, the boys is really enthusiast and passionate to see Seringai. Akselerasi maksimum, that came as the first song directly made a moshpit between the audiences, and bodies are slamming all around. Seringai successfully provoked the audiences to go crazy in the moshpit, although, the sound is not really satisfied me. Guitar sound seems didn’t came out rightly, but the fans is able to ejaculate with the present of Seringai. Seringai finalized their performance ith the song from Duo Kribo, Neraka Jahanam –Boomerang ever sung this song and made it popular too. After Serngai, in the opposite side (I must run to the opposite side of the stage, damn!), there is Burgerkill ready to rock! Burgerkill hit the audiences in the moshpit so hard with its trash metal. This time, the sound is really stand out! Metalheads would experience double orgasm here.

Next, after Burgerkill, there is The Changcuters, who is very hype right now, thanks to television. As expected before, audience enthusiasm is multiplied in The Changcuters show. That TV series soundtrack-song performed altogether with audience voice. Right after The Changcuters, could be the main show, Jam Revolution. Whereas previously held in Bandung, showing 5 bands, Koil, Mocca, Pure Saturday, Alone At Last and Goodnight Electric, play a song by Pure Saturday. But now, is showing Seringai and Burgerkill, each of them together with Minerva. And I’m very distracted by two-sided stage at that time! Right after a song played, the stage is turn aside! Damn! Seringai and Burgerkill seems rather distracted too, they turn back and face front, change side. Thankfully the performance is really great, Minerva success to fill in neo-classical taste in Metal-rock music.

Okay, this is the end of this gig report, couldn’t get enough of Seringai, until their smaller stage show. Hahaha… Congratulation to LA Lights Indiefest Finalists, good luck! Don’t forget to put the name Mellon Zine in thanks list, if you gonna make an album, hahaha…

*Reported and translated by: Jay
*Photo by: Ipunk'd

Setelah bulan lalu merilis single "Ku Nobatkan Jadi Fantasi" yang bebas di unduh di halaman MySpace mereka, kali ini The Upstairs, band new wave rock terdepan dari Jakarta merilis EP atau mini album mereka dengan judul "Ku Nobatkan Jadi Fantasi". Dan kali ini juga bebas di unduh per 17 Agustus 2008, melalui net label berbasis di Jogjakarta, Yes No Wave.

Pada EP "Ku Nobatkan Jadi Fantasi" ini, The Upstairs memasukkan beberapa lagu lama seperti "Televisi" dan "Alexander Graham Bell" yang keduanya pernah dirilis oleh Aksara Records dalam kompilasi JKT:SKRG. Ada juga format akustik, yang dihadirkan pada lagu "Lompat" juga rekaman live pada lagu "Terekam (Tak Pernah Mati)". Hanya ada satu lagu baru pada rilisan kali ini, yaitu lagu "Ku Nobatkan Jadi Fantasi".

Dapatkan kesemuanya di halaman Yes No Wave di www.yesnowave.com , atau klik disini atau lihat link di bawah. Silahkan download, pelan-pelan saja, tidak usah terburu-buru, atau copy saja dari teman jika kamu malas mendownload.
As The Upstairs -a new wave rock band from Jakarta- released their new single, "Ku Nobatkan Jadi Fantasi" and  can be downloaded for free at their MySpace page,  now, they just released their EP, titled "Ku Nobatkan Jadi Fantasi" and again, free to download! Not in their MySpace page, but free to download at Yes No Wave, a net label based in Jogjakarta, per 17th of August 2008.

In this EP, The Upstairs put in some old songs like "Televisi" and "Alexander Graham Bell". Both songs are released before in JKT:SKRG compilation by Aksara Records. There is acoustic set too in this EP, on "Lompat", and also live-format on "Terekam (Tak Pernah Mati)". Only a single new song in this EP, that is "Ku Nobatkan jadi Fantasi".

Get it all on Yes No Wave page at www.yesnowave.com , or simply click here, or look the links below. Happy downloading, take it easy, or you can just copy the EP from your friend if you are too lazy to download.

01. Ku Nobatkan Jadi Fantasi                 mp3 | ogg
02. Dansa Akhir Pekan (2008)                mp3 | ogg
03. Alexander Graham Bell                      mp3 | ogg
04. Televisi                                                  mp3 | ogg
05. Terekam (Tak Pernah Mati) (Live)     mp3 | ogg
06. Lompat (Live Accoustic Set)              mp3 | ogg

Download all songs in .zip here!
Album Artwork, here!

Mayo, and his two-finger-pointing

Gabriel Mayo, alias Mayo, mengalami cedera akibat aktivitas Parkour-nya. Jari tangannya retak, dan tidak bisa digunakan untuk beraktivitas -main drum, apalagi coli ;D- sehingga harus rehat bermain drum hingga 1 bulan sejak hari pertama cedera.

Dengan demikian, posisi drummer di Vox menjadi lowong sekarang, dan sementara dibantu oleh Onny dari The Morning After dan Shaula dari The Karyawan. Bagi yang merasa mampu menggantikan Mayo, mungkin bisa menghubungi Vox, siapa tau Onny dan Shaula berhalangan pada suatu waktu. Hahaha...

Sebagai penutup, mari berdoa untuk kesembuhan Mayo agar bisa segera menabuh drum dan bernyanyi kembali dengan Vox.
Gabriel Mayo, alias Mayo, got injury caused by his Parkour activity. His finger is fractured, and cannot be used -play drum, masturbate ;D- so, he must rest from playing drum up to 1 month after the accident.

With that, drummer position at Vox temporarily assisted by Onny of The Morning After and Shaula of The Karyawan. For everyone who feel available to replace Mayo, you may call Vox, just in case Onny and Shaula can't makae it sometime. Hahaha...

So, let's pray for Mayo's recovery, so he can back to play drum and sing with Vox.

*Written and Translated by: Jay

Date: August 5th, 2008
Place: Garlick 2nd Store, Surabaya
Organized by: Prambors Radio Surabaya
Act(s): The Morning After, Vox, Heavy Monster, Nadi
Also: Indie movie, Lomography by Pahlawan Lomo, Fashion on the Road by Surabaya Fashion Carnival and Garlick

Hoorraayyy… Kembali lagi dengan Tuesday Outloud! Serial dwimingguan yang dipersembahkan utamanya oleh radio Prambors Surabaya. Pada kesempatan yang berbahagia kali ini, ijinkan saya mengulas kembali Tuesday Outloud yang terselenggara pada Selasa malam yang riuh pada 5 Agustus 2008 kemarin di Garlick 2nd Store Jl. Bawean Surabaya.

Yap, begitu datang dengan kendaraan roda dua, parkiran sudah terlihat penuh, woops, sepertinya bakal ramai ini acara. Benar saja, begitu sampai di depan gerbang, sudah ramai itu pemuda pemudi harapan bangsa mengantri untuk masuk ke dalam. Eh, terdengar beberapa selentingan dari teman-teman, kata kata semacam “yah gini aja bayar 10 ribu” “padahal bisa diliat dari luar” alhasil, lumayan banyak yang melihat ini acara dari luar pagar. Di dalam juga memang sudah lumayan penuh sesak rupanya.

Saya datang tepat saat Nadi memainkan lagu terakhir, gosh, I’m so sorry, I can’t describe precisely what music is Nadi brought that night. Saya hanya melihat sekelumit saja, itupun disambi mengobrol dengan teman. Kind of emo? Semoga tidak salah. Shit, help me to correct this if I’m wrong, big sorry! Oh, tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat juga, I’m so sorry to miss the indie movie screening before Nadi. My bad. Yah penampilan kedua ada Heavy Monster, band ska lokal favorit saya, kalau gak percaya, cek aja Friendster saya! Kembali menggoyang penonton dengan irama ska-reggae nya, dan ooh, Herman (Voc) memakai kacamata ala Kanye West! Hmmm… Agak kurang cocok nampaknya dengan ke-ska-an band ini. “Dan Semua Indah” tetap menjadi lagu favorit saya diantara set lagu-lagu Heavy Monster malam itu. Perlu dicatat, ada penampilan spesial malam itu, Heavy Monster tampil berduet dengan Ninit (previously with The Toton) membawakan satu lagu.

Setelah Heavy Monster, ada band yang sooo last year *a-ha* yaitu Vox! Tenang, penampilan Vox malam itu sama sekali tidak basi, malah lebih segar dengan membawakan lagu-lagu barunya, dibantu seorang kerabat dekat yaitu Shaula drummer dari The Karyawan, mengisi vokal tambahan malam itu. Dibuka dengan suara orkestrasi dari laptop sebagai intro dari lagu Berbahagialah. Lagu baru yang semakin bersemangat dan semakin rumit semakin panggung lah! Ooh, tapi sayangnya saya sedikit terganggu karena adanya fashion show yang diselenggarakan oleh Surabaya Fashion Carnival bersama Garlick, berbarengan dengan tampilnya Vox. Karena fashion show memakan tempat di bibir panggung yang sebenarnya menjadi konsentrasi audiens malam itu, hmmmm….. By the way, musik Vox terdengar semakin progresif dan dinamis, got their latest album? Oh, I’m sorry you need some update to figure Vox’s music now, go see the gigs! Instant Classic dan Hidup Tak Selalu Bahagia kembali menjadi nomor yang ingin saya dapatkan mp3 nya (gak pernah denger judul lagu ini? I’ve told you to see the gigs!) Lagu terakhir ada Lagu Rakyat (atas request saya, hahaha kidding) yang di bawakan dengan nge-rock, tidak seperti hidden track pada album Pada Awalnya.

The Morning After menjadi penutup pertunjukkan malam itu, dengan sapaan polite semacam “sebenarnya tidak sepantasnya kami main sesudah Vox, band idola kalian” such words, haha, nice. But actually I think The Morning After got what is needed to be placed as the last performer. Easily notable that night, Onny, drummer-nya memiliki pukulan yang luar biasa, sehingga menyisipkan power yang tepat ke dalam lagu-lagunya. Dan satu lagi, suara Bambang, sang vokalis, sungguh sangat rapid an tepat pada jalurnya. Wuihh, flawless. I can’t say much about describing their music, I’m not very sure, 90’s alternative? Yang jelas Quatro, single andalan yang masuk pada kompilasi Indie Fest terbaru, adalah puncak perhatian penonton malam itu. Dan bagi saya, Dengar dan Diam (semoga tidak salah judul) menjadi lagu yang sangat menyenangkan untuk didengarkan malam itu. Oh, hampir lupa, The Morning After sempat berduet dengan Vox memainkan sebuah lagu dari Procol Harum, A Whiter Shade of Pale.

A nice gigs been held that night. Bands performance, also Lomography exhibition by Pahlawan Lomo, Low Rider showcase, and Fashion on The Road by Surabaya Fashion Carnival. & Garlick. Nice venue, nice performers, nice audiences so it’s nice!

Hoorraayy… Back again with Tuseday Outloud! Two-weekly serial, that presented by Prambors Radio, Surabaya. In this happy occasion, allow me to review the last Tuesday Outloud that been held on Tuesday night, August 5th 2008 at Garlick 2nd Store Jl. Bawean Surabaya.

As I came with my two-wheel vehicle, the parking area seems full, woops.. I thought this will be so crowd. Then I’m right, in the front gate there is so much young boys and girls queuing to enter the venue. Oops, I heard some words from friends, such as “oh please, I must pay 10 thousand rupiahs only for these?” “we can see it from the outside” as the result, many of them see the gigs from outside of the gate. It is crowded inside, eventually.

I came right when Nadi played their last song, gosh, I’m so sorry I can’t describe precisely what music is Nadi brought that night. I’ve seen a bit of that, while chatting with my friends. Kind of emo? I hope I’m not wrong. Shit, help me to correct this if I’m wrong, big sorry! Ooh, without losing my respect, I’m so sorry to miss the indie movie screening before Nadi. My bad. Yeah, the second performer is Heavy Monster, my favorite local ska band, check my Friendster profile if you don’t believe me! Again skankin’ the audience with its reggae-ska beat, and ooh, Herman (Voc) is wearing Kanye West-very popular-glasses! Hmmm.. Not so well suited with the ska theme, I think. “Dan Semua Indah” still my favorite song in the set. Please not, there is special performance that night, Heavy Monster appear featured with Ninit (previously known in The Toton) performing  a song.

After Heavy Monster, come the next band, a sooo last year band *a-ha* it’s Vox! Haha, calm, Vox performing a very fresh air that night, with its brand new set of songs, so fresh! Helped with a close friend, Shaula, drummer of The Karyawan, filled additional vocal that night. Opened with orchestration from a laptop as the intro of the song Berbahagialah. New song that more spirited, complex yet very stage-act! Ooh but what a pity, I felt a bit distracted by the fashion show held by Surabaya Fashion Carnival with Garlick, that appear in the same time same stage as Vox. Because the fashion show take a place in the very front of the stage, that supposed to be the concentration of the audience take place, hmmmmm…. By the way, Vox musically sounds more progressive and dynamic, got their latest album? Oh, I’m sorry you need some update to figure Vox’s music now, go see the gigs! Instant Classic and Hidup Tak Selalu Bahagia again being the track that I always want the mp3 as mine (never heard of this song? I’ve told you to see the gigs!) Last song is Lagu Rakyat (following my request, hahaha, kidding) that rockin’, didn’t like the hidden track version in Pada Awalnya record.

The Morning After is the closing act that night, with their polite greeting such “actually we don’t deserve to perform after Vox, your idol” such words. Haha. Nice. But actually I think The Morning After got what is needed to be placed as the last performer. Easily notable that night, Onny, the drummer has outrageous drum-punch, result in huge power in the live performance that slip rightly in the songs. One more, Bambang the vocalist, his voice just really smooth and went in the very right track. Flawless. I can’t say much about describing their music, I’m not very sure, 90’s alternative? Being clear, Quatro, the single that compiled in newest Indie Fest compilation, is the top of attention that night. And for me, Dengar dan Diam (I hope I’m not wrong mentioning the title) becoming very nice song to listen. Ooh, The Morning After also made a duet performance with Vox performing A Whiter Shade of Pale by Procol Harum.

A nice gigs been held that night. Bands performance, also Lomography exhibition by Pahlawan Lomo, Low Rider showcase, and Fashion on The Road by Surabaya Fashion Carnival. & Garlick. Nice venue, nice performers, nice audiences so it’s nice!

Report by: Jay
Photo by: Ipunk'd

Conor Oberst
Genre : Folk, Ballads
Based in : Omaha, US
Label : Merge Record
Year : 2008
Rate : 9/10

Conor Oberst, singer-song writer adalah pemuda multi talenta, yang baru saja dinobatkan sebagai the best songwriter of 2008 oleh Rolling Stone Magazine. Dia baru saja merilis proyek solo-self-titled-nya, setelah sebelumnya sempat tergabung pada beberapa band seperti Bright Eyes, Commander Venus, Desaparacidos dan Park Ave (bersama Neely Jenkins dan Jamie Pressnall yang sekarang membentuk Tilly and The Wall). Album solo Conor Oberst ini secara keseluruhan terdengar folk-ballads dengan nuansa sedikit gloomy dan dark.

Karena saya sedang suka menilai sesuatu dengan membandingkan dan membuat kombinasi, maka saya akan mengkombinasikan Bob Dylan dengan Nick Drake untuk menggambarakan musik Conor Oberst. Haha… Don’t take it too deep in your shit. Cape Canaveral yang menjadi track pembuka langsung terdengar muram dengan folk yang minimalis, dingin, psikedelik dan mistik. Haha, the last word is a hyperbolism. Sausalito sedikit menghangtkan dan mencairkan suasana setelah Cape Canaveral, dengan ketukan yang sedikit country. Have I mention bluesy tone in Conor Oberst music? No? Then add it up. Conor Oberst menambahkan sedikit blues pada ramuan musiknya, dengarkan Get-Well-Cards, Moab dan Souled Out!!!

Arena rockabilly-rock n roll juga dikunjungi oleh Conor Oberst pada perjalanan musikalnya yang ia kemas pada album ini. Lebih tepatnya lagi pada lagu I Don’t Want to Die (in a hospital), rasakan kembali rock n roll 60-an yang dibangun oleh dentingan piano pada lagu ini. Namun tetap hidangan utama yang dihidangkan dan dirangkai pada album ini adalah folk-ballads acoustic guitar set minimalist, mengiringi suara Conor Oberst yang bergetar dingin. Dan memang kemampuan menulis lagu dari Conor Oberst adalah kekuatan utamanya. Song crafting skill yang sudah mature, dan pemilihan sound dan arranging yang tidak membabi buta. Terkesan rapih dan profesional. Memang rapih dan profesional kok.
Conor Oberst, singer-song writer, is a multi-talented guy, that just recently named as the best songwriter of 2008 by Rolling Stone Magazine. He just released his solo-self-titled-project, as previously tracked in several bands such as Bright Eyes, Commander Venus, Desaparacidos and Park Ave (with Neely Jenkins and Jamie Pressnall of Tilly and The Wall). Conor Oberst’s solo album, is an album of folk-ballads with some gloomy and dark feeling through it.

Because this time, I like to rate music as a comparison and combination, so I’d like to combine Bob Dylan with Nick Drake to figure out Conor Oberst’s music. Haha.. Don’t take it too deep in your shit. Cape Canaveral that opened the set, directly feels gloomy with minimalist folk, cold, psychedelic and mystic. Haha, the last word is a hyperbolism. Sausalito make it a bit warmer and fun-after the cold Cape Canaveral- with its country beat. Have I mention bluesy tone in Conor Oberst music? No? Then add it up. Conor Oberst add a little blues into his musical formula, listen to Get-Well-Cards, Moab and Souled Out!!!

Conor Oberst also made a visit to rockabilly-rock n roll arena in his musical journey that packed in this album. Exactly in the song I Don’t Want to Die (in a hospital), sense back the feel of 60’s rock n roll that built upon piano in this song. But still, the main course that served and sequenced in this album is folk-ballads acoustic guitar set minimalist, following Conor Oberst’s voice that tremble-cold. Yet, the magnificent-mature song-crafting skill, with its finest sounding and arranging, is Conor Oberst’s main strength. Sounds like well-prepared and professional. And it is.

Review by: Jay

01. Cape Cañaveral   *YouTube!*
02. Sausalito   *YouTube!*
03. Get-Well-Cards
04. Lenders In The Temple
05. Danny Callahan
06. I Don’t Want To Die (In The Hospital)
07. Eagle On A Pole
08. Moab
09. NYC – Gone, Gone
10. Valle Místico (Ruben's Song)
11. Souled Out!!!   *YouTube!*
12. Milk Thistle

Tilly and The Wall
Genre : Indie Pop-rock/Alternative
Based in : Omaha, US
Label : Team Love Record
Year : 2008
Rate : 8/10

Tilly and the Wall pada awalnya tidak terlalu membuat saya tertarik, pop/rock alternative yang “meriah” dengan bebunyian “perkusi” dan tidak disusupi bebunyian dari perangkat drum yang generic semacam simbal, snare dkk. Beberapa lagu memang lumayan menarik, walaupun tidak terlalu menonjolkan kekuatan instrument musik, tapi lebih pada penciptaan lagu dan penyusunan aransemen. My first thought, The Arcade Fire meet The White Stripes, in a pop taste.

Persepsi awal saya tergoyahkan begitu melihat beberapa video mereka dari YouTube. Setelah sebelumnya teman saya mengatakan “band ini drum nya cuma pake floor tom sama bass drum aja yah..” ternyata kenyataannya adalah, Tilly and The Wall menggantikan fungsi utama drum dengan bunyi dari tap dancer! Geez! Ya, mereka tidak memiliki drummer pada formasi band-nya. Mereka menggunakan tap dance untuk mengisi bebunyian beat drum. Jamie Pressnall adalah orang yang bertanggung jawab atas hal ini, dia adalah tap dancer pada formasi Tilly and the Wall. Hehe..

Tidak bisa dipungkiri, rasa-rasanya memang konsep tap dancer-drumming ini menjadi highlight utama pada band ini. Terutama dari aspek pertunjukkan yang tentu saja akan membuat orang penasaran untuk melihatnya. Then, how is the music? Seperti saya bilang sebelumnya, first thought is The Arcade Fire meet The White Stripes, in a more popish way. O adalah album penuh ketiga dari Tilly and The Wall, saya tidak mengikuti 2 album sebelumnya, but I would say something about this O. Tall Tall Glass sebagai tembang pembuka sama sekali bukan representasi yang tepat untuk album ini ataupun Tilly and The Wall secara keseluruhan. Pop-ballads yang tenang seperti ini hanya ditempatkan sebagai pembuka saja. Kemudian Pot Kettle Black mengingatkan saya pada The White Stripes, short-strong riff and short-notable beat, make this song more rockin’ walau dengan vokal wanitanya.

Cacophony, I Found You, dan Jumbler menjadi track-track kesukaan saya pada album ini. Menurut saya seperti inilah arah musikal yang menjadi benang merah dari Tilly and The Wall. Such an indie pop or rock, strong song crafting and arranging, with female singing-shouting dan beberapa detail bunyi brass section mengiringi melodi gitar. Jumbler is so hot, I think! Hehehe… Chandelier Lake terdengar sedikit eksperimental dengan munculnya suara uap kereta api mainan pada lagu ini. Dust Me Off juga track yang cukup catchy dengan nuansa pop yang masih terasa. Nuansa rock kembali muncul pada Blood Flowers, walaupun tidak dengan sound yang gahar, namun mengena.

Panggung ideal untuk Tilly and The Wall menurut saya adalah panggung yang dekat dengan penonton, tidak tinggi dan komunikatif. Yah, atraksi tap-dancing-as-drumming saya rasa sayang untuk di lewatkan pada setiap penampilan live mereka. Watch their live performance now! Surf the YouTube!
At the first time, Tilly and The Wall wasn’t made me interested, alternative pop-rock filled with percussion sound, and no appearance from generic drumming as cymbal or snare and things. Some songs is exciting at the first, even though not an instrumental-distinct, but more as song crafting and arranging. My first thought, The Arcade Fire meet The White Stripes, in a pop taste.

My first impression significantly changed after I saw some of the video from YouTube. As before my friend said “this band only use floor tom and bass drum…or so” then the fact is, Tilly and The Wall replaced main function of drum by its tap dancing! Geez! Yes, they don’t have any drummer in their formation. They use tap dance to fill-in the drum-beat sound. Jamie Pressnall is the woman who responsible to this, she is the tap dancer for Tilly and The Wall. Haha..

I must say, the tap-dancer-drumming concept is the main highlight of this band. Mainly from the live-show aspect, that would make peoples curious and want to see them. Then how is the music? Like I said before, first thought is The Arcade Fire meet The White Stripes, in a more popish way.
O is the third full album by Tilly and The Wall, I’m not yet listened to their past two albums, but I would say something about this O. Tall Tall Glass as the opening track is not a well-suited representative song for this album nor for the band. Simple pop-ballads like this, is placed only as an opening. Then Pot Kettle Black remind me of The White Stripes, short-strong riff and short-notable beat, make this song more heavy rockin’, instead the female vocal.

Cacophony, I Found You, and Jumbler are my favorite tracks in this album. I think, this is the right musical way, that strike the red-line in Tilly and The Wall. Such an indie pop or rock, strong song crafting and arranging, with female singing-shouting and some details like brass section meet the guitar melody. Jumbler is so hot, I think! You should check it! Hehehe… Chandelier Lake seems a bit experimental with the locomotive toy-sound appear in this song. Dust Me Off is a catchy track with the pop nuance. Rock-things come again in Blood Flowers, instead without hard sound, but strike just right on the rock.

Ideal venue for Tilly and The Wall, I think is like audience-near-touchy, not so high and communicative stage. Yeah, the tap-dancing-as-drumming things is just too hot too miss on each of their show. Then I must say, watch their live performance now! Surf the YouTube!

Review by: Jay

01. Tall Tall Grass
02. Pot Kettle Black   *YouTube!*
03. Cacophony   *YouTube!*
04. I Found You
05. Jumbler
06. Chandelier Lake   *YouTube!*
07. Dust Me Off   *YouTube!*
08. Falling Without Knowing
09. Blood Flowers
10. Poor Man’s Ice Cream
11. Too Excited

Get It! Download!



Saya datang tepat sebelum acara dimulai! jalan kaki dari stasiun tugu ke Kinoki!

Gig yang dibikin oleh yesnowave dan diatur oleh VJ Gentong, Sabtu 19 Juli 2008, dibuka dengan BOTTLESMOKER, duo electro pop asal bandung (ini alasan kedua kenapa saya dtg ke YK) mereka memainkan hampir semua track di SLOW MO SMILE, terutama track fave saya, Before Circus Over! suasana di kinoki jadi tambah menyenangkan!

Atraksi selanjutnya adalah alasan pertama saya ke YK, Jimmy “Seek Six Sick” Mahardika, dia make Apple, noise dengan sentuhan timur tengah (sebenernya ngak paham juga soundnya), dia main satu track dengan durasi kira-kira 20 menit. Sebenernya saya mengharapkan atraksi yang “aneh” dari Jimmy karena saya melewatkan gig Seek Sick Six di Surabaya beberapa tahun yang lalu.

Next adalah headliner, Lucas dari Sydney , seorang experimentalis (nah ni konsep juga belum saya pahami) dengan media kaca dan efek gitar, 3 efek dipasang pake sabuk di pinggangnya, jadi dia nggak usah jongkok ke bawah untuk explore efek. Lucas membuat sound dengan cara mengeluarkan udara dari bibir yang menempel di kaca, dia perform one take sekitar 20 menit, adegan klimaks adalah saat kaca pecah akibat tekanan bibir nya! Si Lucas itu nyeker…untuk kagak kesetrum, tapi berdarah kena pecahan kaca…kalah deh pemain kuda lumping hihihi

Penampilan terakhir diisi dengan Ruli dan Bhakti dari ZOO, Ruli pada vocal dan Bhakti make bass gesek sama mandolin! FYI, ZOO adalah band tanpa gitaris! Kerennya si Ruli itu mixing banyak bahasa terutama bahasa daerah (dia itu translator)! Mereka main 3 lagu dan 1 lagu tambahan akibat desakan crowd “we want more” hihihi…

Belum berakhir gig di kinoki, seperti biasanya DJ local beraksi!

*Suwun sing akeh buat Wok The Rock, Gentong, Angkuy, Juliuz, Idharrez, Agum, Ito, Bhakti, Moeklas, Agil
I came exactly before the show begun! Walking down from Tugu Station to Kinoki!

Gig that created by yesnowave and maintained by VJ Gentong, July 19th 2008, opened by Bottlesmoker,Slow Mo Smile, also my fave track, Before Circus Over! It's getting exciting there! electro pop duo from Bandung (this was my second reason to come to YK) they played almost entire tracks in

The next performance is my first reason to come to YK, Jimmy "Seek Six Sick" Mahardika, he use Apple, play noise with middle-east-like touch (i'm not really understand the sounds, though), he played one track with at least 20 minutes long. Actually i'm expecting "weird" performance from Jimmy, as i missed previous Seek Six Sick gig i Surabaya years ago.

Next, is a headliner. Lucas from Sydney, an experimentalist (i'm not really understand yet this concept, though) with mirror and guitar effect as medium. Three effects wore on his belt, so he doesn't have to go down to explore the sounds. Lucas make sound with blowing air from his lips that stick in the mirror, he performed that for 20 minutes one take. the climax is when the mirror broke because the pressure of his lips! Lucas didn't wear foot apparel to avoid electricity, but got bleeding because breaking a mirror with his lips.

The last performance is Ruli and Bhakti from Zoo, Ruli on vocal and Bhakti play cello and mandolin! Fyi, Zoo is a band without guitarist! The cool part is, Ruli mix many languages especially traditional languages because he is a translator! They set 3 songs and 1 encore because the crowd want it more hehehe...

Before end, as usual, local DJ set an action package. hehe...

*Thanks to Wok the Rock, Gentong, Angkuy, Juliuz, Idharrez, Agum, Ito, Bhakti, Moeklas, Agil.

Gig report by: Tinta
Photo taken from: www.juliuzickboy.multiply.com
Photographed by young photographers from a syndicate called [BRIGADEPOTO], members are: Doly Amitabha, Ricky Emonita, SamLaey, Idharrez, Erwin.