Date: August 5th, 2008
Place: Garlick 2nd Store, Surabaya
Organized by: Prambors Radio Surabaya
Act(s): The Morning After, Vox, Heavy Monster, Nadi
Also: Indie movie, Lomography by Pahlawan Lomo, Fashion on the Road by Surabaya Fashion Carnival and Garlick

Hoorraayyy… Kembali lagi dengan Tuesday Outloud! Serial dwimingguan yang dipersembahkan utamanya oleh radio Prambors Surabaya. Pada kesempatan yang berbahagia kali ini, ijinkan saya mengulas kembali Tuesday Outloud yang terselenggara pada Selasa malam yang riuh pada 5 Agustus 2008 kemarin di Garlick 2nd Store Jl. Bawean Surabaya.

Yap, begitu datang dengan kendaraan roda dua, parkiran sudah terlihat penuh, woops, sepertinya bakal ramai ini acara. Benar saja, begitu sampai di depan gerbang, sudah ramai itu pemuda pemudi harapan bangsa mengantri untuk masuk ke dalam. Eh, terdengar beberapa selentingan dari teman-teman, kata kata semacam “yah gini aja bayar 10 ribu” “padahal bisa diliat dari luar” alhasil, lumayan banyak yang melihat ini acara dari luar pagar. Di dalam juga memang sudah lumayan penuh sesak rupanya.

Saya datang tepat saat Nadi memainkan lagu terakhir, gosh, I’m so sorry, I can’t describe precisely what music is Nadi brought that night. Saya hanya melihat sekelumit saja, itupun disambi mengobrol dengan teman. Kind of emo? Semoga tidak salah. Shit, help me to correct this if I’m wrong, big sorry! Oh, tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat juga, I’m so sorry to miss the indie movie screening before Nadi. My bad. Yah penampilan kedua ada Heavy Monster, band ska lokal favorit saya, kalau gak percaya, cek aja Friendster saya! Kembali menggoyang penonton dengan irama ska-reggae nya, dan ooh, Herman (Voc) memakai kacamata ala Kanye West! Hmmm… Agak kurang cocok nampaknya dengan ke-ska-an band ini. “Dan Semua Indah” tetap menjadi lagu favorit saya diantara set lagu-lagu Heavy Monster malam itu. Perlu dicatat, ada penampilan spesial malam itu, Heavy Monster tampil berduet dengan Ninit (previously with The Toton) membawakan satu lagu.

Setelah Heavy Monster, ada band yang sooo last year *a-ha* yaitu Vox! Tenang, penampilan Vox malam itu sama sekali tidak basi, malah lebih segar dengan membawakan lagu-lagu barunya, dibantu seorang kerabat dekat yaitu Shaula drummer dari The Karyawan, mengisi vokal tambahan malam itu. Dibuka dengan suara orkestrasi dari laptop sebagai intro dari lagu Berbahagialah. Lagu baru yang semakin bersemangat dan semakin rumit semakin panggung lah! Ooh, tapi sayangnya saya sedikit terganggu karena adanya fashion show yang diselenggarakan oleh Surabaya Fashion Carnival bersama Garlick, berbarengan dengan tampilnya Vox. Karena fashion show memakan tempat di bibir panggung yang sebenarnya menjadi konsentrasi audiens malam itu, hmmmm….. By the way, musik Vox terdengar semakin progresif dan dinamis, got their latest album? Oh, I’m sorry you need some update to figure Vox’s music now, go see the gigs! Instant Classic dan Hidup Tak Selalu Bahagia kembali menjadi nomor yang ingin saya dapatkan mp3 nya (gak pernah denger judul lagu ini? I’ve told you to see the gigs!) Lagu terakhir ada Lagu Rakyat (atas request saya, hahaha kidding) yang di bawakan dengan nge-rock, tidak seperti hidden track pada album Pada Awalnya.

The Morning After menjadi penutup pertunjukkan malam itu, dengan sapaan polite semacam “sebenarnya tidak sepantasnya kami main sesudah Vox, band idola kalian” such words, haha, nice. But actually I think The Morning After got what is needed to be placed as the last performer. Easily notable that night, Onny, drummer-nya memiliki pukulan yang luar biasa, sehingga menyisipkan power yang tepat ke dalam lagu-lagunya. Dan satu lagi, suara Bambang, sang vokalis, sungguh sangat rapid an tepat pada jalurnya. Wuihh, flawless. I can’t say much about describing their music, I’m not very sure, 90’s alternative? Yang jelas Quatro, single andalan yang masuk pada kompilasi Indie Fest terbaru, adalah puncak perhatian penonton malam itu. Dan bagi saya, Dengar dan Diam (semoga tidak salah judul) menjadi lagu yang sangat menyenangkan untuk didengarkan malam itu. Oh, hampir lupa, The Morning After sempat berduet dengan Vox memainkan sebuah lagu dari Procol Harum, A Whiter Shade of Pale.

A nice gigs been held that night. Bands performance, also Lomography exhibition by Pahlawan Lomo, Low Rider showcase, and Fashion on The Road by Surabaya Fashion Carnival. & Garlick. Nice venue, nice performers, nice audiences so it’s nice!

Hoorraayy… Back again with Tuseday Outloud! Two-weekly serial, that presented by Prambors Radio, Surabaya. In this happy occasion, allow me to review the last Tuesday Outloud that been held on Tuesday night, August 5th 2008 at Garlick 2nd Store Jl. Bawean Surabaya.

As I came with my two-wheel vehicle, the parking area seems full, woops.. I thought this will be so crowd. Then I’m right, in the front gate there is so much young boys and girls queuing to enter the venue. Oops, I heard some words from friends, such as “oh please, I must pay 10 thousand rupiahs only for these?” “we can see it from the outside” as the result, many of them see the gigs from outside of the gate. It is crowded inside, eventually.

I came right when Nadi played their last song, gosh, I’m so sorry I can’t describe precisely what music is Nadi brought that night. I’ve seen a bit of that, while chatting with my friends. Kind of emo? I hope I’m not wrong. Shit, help me to correct this if I’m wrong, big sorry! Ooh, without losing my respect, I’m so sorry to miss the indie movie screening before Nadi. My bad. Yeah, the second performer is Heavy Monster, my favorite local ska band, check my Friendster profile if you don’t believe me! Again skankin’ the audience with its reggae-ska beat, and ooh, Herman (Voc) is wearing Kanye West-very popular-glasses! Hmmm.. Not so well suited with the ska theme, I think. “Dan Semua Indah” still my favorite song in the set. Please not, there is special performance that night, Heavy Monster appear featured with Ninit (previously known in The Toton) performing  a song.

After Heavy Monster, come the next band, a sooo last year band *a-ha* it’s Vox! Haha, calm, Vox performing a very fresh air that night, with its brand new set of songs, so fresh! Helped with a close friend, Shaula, drummer of The Karyawan, filled additional vocal that night. Opened with orchestration from a laptop as the intro of the song Berbahagialah. New song that more spirited, complex yet very stage-act! Ooh but what a pity, I felt a bit distracted by the fashion show held by Surabaya Fashion Carnival with Garlick, that appear in the same time same stage as Vox. Because the fashion show take a place in the very front of the stage, that supposed to be the concentration of the audience take place, hmmmmm…. By the way, Vox musically sounds more progressive and dynamic, got their latest album? Oh, I’m sorry you need some update to figure Vox’s music now, go see the gigs! Instant Classic and Hidup Tak Selalu Bahagia again being the track that I always want the mp3 as mine (never heard of this song? I’ve told you to see the gigs!) Last song is Lagu Rakyat (following my request, hahaha, kidding) that rockin’, didn’t like the hidden track version in Pada Awalnya record.

The Morning After is the closing act that night, with their polite greeting such “actually we don’t deserve to perform after Vox, your idol” such words. Haha. Nice. But actually I think The Morning After got what is needed to be placed as the last performer. Easily notable that night, Onny, the drummer has outrageous drum-punch, result in huge power in the live performance that slip rightly in the songs. One more, Bambang the vocalist, his voice just really smooth and went in the very right track. Flawless. I can’t say much about describing their music, I’m not very sure, 90’s alternative? Being clear, Quatro, the single that compiled in newest Indie Fest compilation, is the top of attention that night. And for me, Dengar dan Diam (I hope I’m not wrong mentioning the title) becoming very nice song to listen. Ooh, The Morning After also made a duet performance with Vox performing A Whiter Shade of Pale by Procol Harum.

A nice gigs been held that night. Bands performance, also Lomography exhibition by Pahlawan Lomo, Low Rider showcase, and Fashion on The Road by Surabaya Fashion Carnival. & Garlick. Nice venue, nice performers, nice audiences so it’s nice!

Report by: Jay
Photo by: Ipunk'd

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  1. Anonymous // August 19, 2008 at 9:03 AM  

    bro.. boleh dikopi gk nih artikel .. mo dipasang di fs..

    promo & merchandising
    the morning after management

  2. Anonymous // August 19, 2008 at 1:52 PM  

    Oleh lah yud ,jay pasti senang asal tidak lupa mengutip sumbernya ,yo kan Jay??

  3. Anonymous // August 19, 2008 at 8:33 PM  

    yoi lah jelas boleh kok. jangan lupa sebutkan sumber aja, hehe...

    sakjane aku yo willing to interview TMA iki...

  4. Anonymous // August 19, 2008 at 11:15 PM  

    okeh.. pasti kita kasih sumbernya..suwun jeh..
    nah itu dia kalo interview tma hubungi yeyeng,
    tgl 24 kan ke surabaya tuh.. cegat ae.. nang A.yani utowo Tol Kota Satelit.. hahaha

  5. Anonymous // August 20, 2008 at 12:16 AM  

    hahaha, oke deh... (lha dipikir aku arep razia ta, cegatan nang dalan) tgl 24 aku ga di sby, besoknya baru di sby. kita atur aja deh kapan2... mumpung TMA lagi hot iki, koyok sheila marcia hyahaha...

  6. Anonymous // August 20, 2008 at 12:46 AM  

    kon kok ngerti sheila marcia hot ?

    diomongi ta ?

  7. Anonymous // August 20, 2008 at 6:46 AM  

    yo ngerti, sak ben ono sheila marcia nang TV, TV ku dad panas, mangkane hot! hahaha...

    wes yo, tak tingal sek yo rek...

  8. Anonymous // August 20, 2008 at 8:35 AM  

    nice word... cerita personalnya.. bagus tentang gigs

    kalo mungkin lebih ke arah riview mungkin lebih bagus lagi ya...


  9. Anonymous // August 20, 2008 at 9:35 AM  

    @hbs terimakasih atas kritik dan sarannya. Rajin maen2 kesini ya

  10. Anonymous // August 20, 2008 at 12:12 PM  


    lho...malah ditinggal SEK ?

  11. Anonymous // August 21, 2008 at 9:17 PM  

    isok ae... iki lho tak intip saiki.

    terima kasih AR, semoga kedepannya cerita review saya bisa lebih baik. amin...

  12. Jane Joe // September 9, 2008 at 1:37 PM  

    sangat merindukan kalian scene ini !

  13. Jane Joe // September 9, 2008 at 1:38 PM  

    salah..maksudnya kalian, (dan) scene ini ! hehe..

  14. Anonymous // September 9, 2008 at 1:57 PM  

    Wah ada mbak niken! kamipun merindukanmu mbak niken! ahaha...

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