Review done by Dony Johansyah, he enjoying Kings of Convenience so much, and another acoustic, jazz-jazzy tunes he could found.

"Going Back to Basic, Familiar Acoustic Sounds"

Genre: Indie Rock
Based in: Bergen, Norway
Label: Virgin
Year: 2009
Rate: 8/10

Yippeeeeee, setelah 5 tahun, duo Kings of Convenience akhirnya merilis album baru mereka, Declaration of Dependence. Dalam Album ini, mereka kembali ke basic, nada-nada akustik seperti dalam "Quiet is The New Loud", (meskipun mungkin banyak fans yang masih merasa album ini tidak bisa dibandingkan dengan "Quiet is The New Loud"). Perbedaan dalam album ini dibandingkan dengan "Quiet Is The New Loud" adalah mereka menambahkan sedikit rasa Jazz dengan memasukkan instrumen kontra bass dalam beberapa track, seperti dalam "Boat Behind" "Me In You" dan "Mrs Cold". Bagi mereka yang menyukai "Quiet Is The new Loud", album ini akan terasa menyenangkan untuk didengar, tapi sebaliknya, mereka yang mengharapkan hadirnya beat-beat yang agak cepat seperti yang ada di track "I'd Rather Dance With You" atau "Love Is No Big Truth" di album "Riot On An Empty Street" akan menemukan kalau album ini terlalu "tenang".

Saya secara personal memberikan penilaian bagus pada album ini berkat "Mrs. Cold" dan "Boat Behind" yang memberikan warna baru bagi lagu-lagu dari Kings Of Convenience. "Freedom And Its Owner" dan "Me In You" juga sangat menarik untuk didengar karena memiliki lirik yang sangat tipikal Kings of Convenience yang memainkan kata-kata dengan cerdas beserta ungkapan-ungkapannya. Meski begitu saya harus mengakui bahwa beberapa track terasa "terlalu biasa". Agak susah bagi saya menyukai "Scars on Land" dan "My Ship Isn't Pretty", namun secara umum, saya sangat menyukai album ini. Saya beri 4 dari 5 bintang untuk album ini. BTW, ada rumor kalo mereka akan main ke Bandung sekitar bulan Maret 2010 dan tiketnya berkisar di harga Rp. 250.000. Kalo rumor ini benar, maka saya pasti akan kesana untuk nonton Erik dan Erlend. (Dony)
Yippeee, after 5 years the duo of Kings of Convenience finally release a new album, Declaration of Dependence. In this album, they're going back to basic, familiar acoustic sounds like in “Quiet is the new loud” (Although i believe many fans will agree that this album still cannot be compared with "Quiet Is The New Loud". The difference is in this album they add a little taste of jazz with contra-bass sound in the track “Boat Behind”, “Me and You” and “Mrs. Cold”. For those who likes “Quite Is The New Loud”, this album will be truly enjoyable, but in the contrary, those who expect some fast beats similar to several “Riot On An Empty Street” tracks such as “I'd Rather Dance With You” or “Love is No Big Truth" will discover that this album is rather "tranquil".

I personally give a good rate to this album, thanks to "Mrs. Cold" and "Boat Behind" which are really adding new colors in the Kings of Convenience songs. "Freedom And Its Owner" and "Me In You" are also interesting to listen since it has a typical Kings of Convenience lyrics which plays smart words and idiomatic expressions. I have to admit that few tracks sounds "too ordinary". I can't get myself into on "Scars on Land" or "My Ship Isn't Pretty" but in general, I love this album. I give 4 of 5 stars to this. By the way, there are rumours that this duo will play at Bandung on March 2010 and the ticket will cost around Rp 250.000. If the rumours is true, then i will surely get my ass there to watch Erik and Erlend. (Dony)

01. 24-25
02. Mrs. Cold
03. Me In You
04. Boat Behind
05. Rule My World
06. My Ship Isn't Pretty
07. Renegade
08. Power Of Not Knowing
09. Peacetime Resistance
10. Freedom And Its Owner
11. Riot On An Empty Street
12. Second To Numb
13. Scars On Land

*Reviewed by: Dony
*Translated by: Dony

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  1. trial go // January 28, 2010 at 12:39 AM  

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