Los Campesinos!
Genre : Pop Punk/Indie Rock
Based in : Wales
Label : Wichita Records
Year : 2008
Rate : 8.5/10

Maybe we could call this the new breed of the next gen punk! Nyahahahaha… I said what I said, and you read what you read!

Menyenangkan sekali rasanya waktu mendengarkan Los Campesinos! untuk pertama kali yang kebetulan pada single My Year in List. Saya langsung suka dengan grup asal Cardiff, Wales ini. It’s just so pumping punk, boys and girls shouting all around diiringi irama pop punk dan bebunyian ajaib di sekelilingnya. This is just better than other punk based bands, recently.

Track pertama pada debut albumnya, dibuka dengan single bertitel Death to Los Campesinos! yang langsung menghentak pada gebukan pertama, ini adalah lagu panggung yang bagus rasanya. Dilanjut dengan Broken Heartbeats Sound Like Breakbeats yang hitungan one two three four-nya rasanya bisa membuat oom-oom Ramones menoleh. Drop it Doe Eyes rasanya sedikit menghambarkan kesan pertama saya pada band ini, seolah kembali pada formula generic pop-rock-punk. Namun, jerit-jeritan vocal wanita yang bercampur dengan vocal pria, beberapa detil sound seperti bunyi gesekan string dan glockenspiel cukup membuat saya terkagum dengan grup ini. Walaupun gebukan drum yang mereka ambil cenderung common pada masing-masing lagunya. Menjadikannya ciri khas sekaligus potensi creativity lackluster pada band yang sudah mulai tur ke eropa ini.

Oh, ya, dengarkan juga lagu You! Me! Dancing! untuk jejingkrakan sambil bernyanyi-nyanyi! They really made good music to perform on the gigs! Really could make everyone jumping, clapping and dancing! So, hold on now, youngster…

Maybe we could call this the new breed of the next gen punk! Nyahahahaha… I said what I said, and you read what you read!

It's so fun to hear Los Campesinos! for the first time, that i accidentally hear them on single My Year in List. I'm directly in love with this group from Cardiff, Wales. It’s just so pumping punk, boys and girls shouting all around with pop punk rhythm and amazing sounds around them. This is just better than other punk based bands, recently.

The first track on this debut album, opened by song titled Death to Los Campesinos! that smack at the first hit, I think this is a very good song to be played in the show. Next is Broken Heartbeats Sound Like Breakbeats which the one two three four count could make uncles in Ramones look toward them. Drop it Doe Eyes seems a little neutralized my first impression toward this band, just like back to generic formula of pop-rock-punk. Nevertheless, shouts by female vocalist mixture with male vocal, and some more detailed sound like string section and glockenspiel, made me quite amazed by this band. Although the drum beats that they took is considered as common on each of their track. Made it a special characteristic together with creativity lackluster potential, for the band that been touring in Europe nowadays.

Oh, please listen to
You! Me! Dancing! to jumps around  while singing! They really made good music to perform on the gigs! Really could make everyone jumping, clapping and dancing! So, hold on now, youngster…

Track List
01. Death To Los Campesinos!   *YouTube!*
02. Broken Heartbeats Sound Like Breakbeats   *YouTube!*
03. Don’t Tell Me To Do The Math(s)   *YouTube!*
04. Drop It Doe Eyes
05. My Year In Lists   *YouTube!*
06. Knee Deep At ATP
07. This Is How You Spell, "HAHAHA, We Destroyed The Hopes And Dreams Of A Generation Of Faux-Romantics"
08. We Are All Accelerated Readers
09. You! Me! Dancing!   *YouTube!*
10. ...And We Exhale And Roll Our Eyes In Unison
11. Sweet Dreams, Sweet Cheeks

Get it! Download!

*pass : musicinvasion.blogspot.com

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