This is Ivy League
Genre : Indie Pop, Pop, Folk
Based in : New York, US
Label : TwentySeven Records
Year : 2008
Rate : 8.5/10

Duo Alex Suarez dan Ryland Blackinton yang bernaung di bawah nama This is Ivy League baru saja merilis self titled album. Album debut yang rasanya seperti dirilis oleh grup dari skandinavia daripada Amerika Serikat, hehehe. Dua sahabat ini membangun lagu-lagu dalam album perdana ini dengan pondasi berupa sapuan guitar rhythm yang mendominasi hampir di semua lagu. Tidak full akustik. Gitar elektrik masih menjadi salah satu senjata wajib untuk memperkaya ornamen lagu, walaupun pondasinya masih dari suara rhythm gitar akustik.

Hits mereka London Bridges mengalun dengan manisnya, dengan drum bertempo sedang bersama genjrengan senar dan bass-line sederhana bahu membahu membangun tempo. Viola mengalun renyah dan ringan dengan format simpel akustiknya, lagunya yang sederhana membuatnya enak didengar sembari berbaring. Intro dari Summer Chill sedikit mengingatkan saya pada Later the Sadest World Down punya Pure Saturday, hehehe, cuma intronya aja kok. Modern World dan Till the Day menghadirkan nuansa folk yang merdu tapi minimalis. Sesuatu yang sedikit berbeda ada di Vision of Tokyo. Mendadak saya teringat The Beach Boys begitu mendengar lagu ini. Nada yang dibangun dan pilihan iramanya seolah menambahkan The Beach Boys pada daftar influence mereka. Don’t Waste Your Love on Me menjadi track yang mudah diingat, cukup ber-power dengan gimmick melody yang sedikit psychedelic.

Pilihan yang bagus untuk didengar diantara CD-CD indie pop-mu yang berserakkan di meja belajar, plus yang ini sedikit bernuansa power pop. Go and get it kid!

Duo Alex Suarez and Ryland Blackinton under the name This is Ivy League just released their self titled album. Debut album that feels like released by Scandinavian group rather American, hahaha. Those two best friends built the songs in this first album based on guitar rhythm sweeping that dominated most in whole songs in this album. Not fully acoustic. Electric guitar still a must-there weapon to enrich the song ornament, despite the foundation still from the acoustic guitar rhythm sound.

Their hits, London Bridge swing sweet with middle-beat drum play altogether with jangling guitar string and simple bass-line hand-in-hand build the beat. Viola swing crunchy and light with simple acoustic format, the simplicity of this song made it joyful to listen while lie down on bed. Intro of Summer Chill remind me a bit of Later the Saddest World Down by Pure Saturday, hahaha, just the intro. Modern World and Till the Day present smooth folk yet minimalist. Something different came in Vision of Tokyo. It’s remind me of The Beach Boys tune when I hear it. Tune and beat selection just like add The Beach Boys on This is Ivy League’s list of influence. Don’t Waste Your Love on Me is an easy-to-catch track, more powerful, with a bit of psychedelic gimmick melody.

Good choice to listen this between your indie pop CDs, that all around on your desk, plus this one a little bit power pop in it. Go and get it kid!

Track List
01. The Richest Kids *YouTube!*
02. Love Is Impossible
03. London Bridges   *YouTube!*
04. Viola   
05. Celebration
06. An Introduction
07. A Summer Chill   *YouTube!*
08. Modern World  
09. Til The Day
10. Visions of Tokyo   *YouTube!*
11. Don’t Waste Your Love On Me

Get it! Download!

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  1. Anonymous // July 22, 2008 at 7:42 AM  

    jay aku tinggal ngopi aja yah....
    lagi ngak kuat unduh...
    sepertinya koleksimu wajib disebarkan hehehe

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